Oxygen Therapy
Diagnostic Tests
Pneumonia Prevention
COPD Assessment
Asthma Education

This oxygen administration device can provide oxygen at 5-8 L/min.

What is a simple face mask?


These are the two views that a chest x-ray obtains to adequately assess the lungs.

What are posteroanterior and lateral views?


This is the minimum degree of elevation that hospitalized patient's head of bed should be to minimize aspiration risk (as long as patient condition allows).

What is 30 degrees?


This is a common adventitious breath sound that can be heard in patients with COPD.

What is an expiratory wheeze?


This is what patients with asthma need to be taught to have nearby in the event of an exacerbation.

What is a short-acting beta-2 adrenergic agonist? i.e. albuterol, proventil, ventolin


This is the minimum distance that oxygen tanks should be from any open flame.

What is 15 feet?


This is what is used in a nuclear medicine exam, such as a V/Q scan, to visualize lung functioning and pulmonary vasculature.

What is a radioisotope?


This is a dangerous source of pathogens that puts hospitalized patients at risk for developing HAP.

What are respiratory devices, respiratory equipment, or the hands of healthcare providers?


This is a potential assessment finding in patients with elevated CO2 levels.

What is confusion?

After using this medication, patients need to be taught to rinse out their mouth.

What is an inhaled corticosteroid?


This is where an oxygen tank should be in a car when the patient is driving.

What is on the floor behind their seat?


This is a nursing priority after a patient receives any IV contrast to minimize complications.

What is ensure adequate hydration?


This is how alcohol intoxication puts a patient at risk for developing pneumonia.

What is: suppressed reflexes, increased aspiration risk, decreased WBC production/mobilization.


This is the cause of fingernail clubbing in a patient with COPD.

What is chronic hypoxia?


This is a finding in a patient's asthma action plan that would warrant them calling their provider or 911.

What are: no relief from medications, labored breathing, flaring of nostrils, difficulty speaking, mental status changes?


This is an oxygen delivery system that can provide a precise amount of oxygen with the aid of different adapters.

What is a venturi mask?


These are expected findings in the 24 hours following a bronchoscopy.

What are fever and a small amount of blood-tinged sputum?


These are three interventions that nurses can do to prevent pneumonia in hospital patients.

What are: frequent turning, early ambulation, encouraging coughing, incentive spirometer use, breathing exercises, adequate nutrition and hydration?


These are the causes of a barrel chest in a patient with COPD.

What are hyperinflation and loss of lung elasticity?


If patients visit the ER this many times in 1 year, they need to be taught that they have an increased risk of death from asthma.

What is three or more times?

This finding on an arterial blood gas (ABG) indicates that a patient is not ventilating appropriately or perhaps not breathing deeply enough.

What is respiratory acidosis?


This is a dangerous complication that can present following lung biopsies or a thoracentesis?

What is a pneumothorax?


This pathogen is the most common cause of community-acquired phenumonia.

What is S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus)?


These are the normal adult AP/Transverse diameter ratios and the barrel chest AP/Transverse diameter ratios.

What are 1:2 for normal and 1:1 for barrel chest?


This diagnostic testing may be helpful for patients to better understand their individual asthma triggers.

What is allergy testing?