Mechanical Ventilation Terminology
Name that Ventilator Alarm
Ventilator Graphics
Airway Pressure Monitoring

The amount of air inhaled and exhaled in one cycle.

What is tidal volume?


Air leaks causing volume loss.

What is low inspiratory pressure?


Interpretation of these scalars reveal what? 

What is Air Trapping?


Possible causes of a sudden increase in PIP.

What is Increased Airway resistance, decreased lung compliance or patient-ventilator interface problem?


Used to gauge respiratory muscle fatigue during a Spontaneous Breathing Trial by dividing frequency by tidal volume. 

What is Rapid Shallow Breathing Index or (RSBI)


Amount of pressure delivered to patient during spontaneous ventilation.

What is Pressure Support?


Patient just received fentanyl and is on pressure support ventilation and has not triggered a breath within 20 seconds.

What is apnea alarm?


What is the cause of the change from pressure–volume loop A to pressure–volume loop B during volume-controlled continuous mandatory ventilation (VC-CMV)?

What is overdistention of the lung causing decreased compliance?

Static measurement done when flow has ended at the end of inspiration and reflects alveolar pressure during a period of no gas flow.  

What is Plateau pressure? 


Measures the effectiveness of oxygen transfer across the lung and is useful in determining the severity of ARDS.

What is the PaO2 to Fio2 (P/F) ratio?


Positive pressure applied by ventilator at the end of expiration

What is Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)?


Your patient has copious oral secretions and their O2 saturation has decreased.

What is high pressure alarm?


During a patient-ventilator system check the respiratory therapist sees the flow–volume loop below. What is the most appropriate action?


What is administer a bronchodilator? The expiratory flow part of the loop shows the scooped-out appearance. This is typical of a patient with airway obstruction. 


Pressure that results from gas trapped in the lungs when inspiration begins before expiration is complete and can be measured by performing an expiratory hold maneuver. 

What is Auto-PEEP?


The difference between the amount of oxygen in the alveoli and the  amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma and is an important measurement to help narrow the cause of hypoxemia. 

What is the A-a oxygen gradient (PAO2-PaO2) or PAO2 = (Fio2 x (Patm-PH2O))-(PaCo2 /R)?


Highest pressure measured in the lungs upon inspiration. 

What is Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP or Ppeak)?


The cuff of the ETT has a leak on full support, therefore the Vte has been between 150-250.

What is low exhaled tidal volume?


Looking at the waveforms what can you identify?


What is a volume leak causing active, prolonged exhalation?


The average pressure of inhalation and exhalation that acts on the lungs during mechanical ventilation that provides an overall assessment of the patient's ventilatory status and impacts oxygenation. 

What is Mean Airway Pressure? 

Formula used to assess the severity of hypoxic respiratory failure. 

What is oxygen index (OI=Paw x Fio2 x100/PaO2)?

0 to 25 = Good outcome

25 to 40 = chance of death >40%

40 to >1000 = Mortality >80%, consider ECMO


The opposition to airflow in the lungs and is determined by the diameter of the airway.

What is airway resistance?


Your patient has increased SOB, chest pain, elevated heart rate, and abnormally rapid breathing. PIP and Pplat are increasing.

What is high pressure alarm?


This pressure-volume loop shows what abnormality?

What is air hunger or flow asynchrony (patient is not receiving enough flow)?


If both PIP and Pplat are increasing on the mechanical ventilator this is a sign that what is happening to the patient. 

What is decreasing lung compliance?

2 formulas helpful in identifying if oxygen deliver is adequate.

What is Mixed venous oxygen tension (PvO2) and Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)?

If PvO2 is low: inadequate cardiac output, anemia or hypoxia. As O2 delivery decreases or O2 consumption increases, PvO2 and SvO2 will decrease. A PvO2 of <27 mmHg and SvO2 <50% are associated with lactic acidosis. 

Remember Cardiac output, Hb and SaO2 greatly impact oxygen delivery to the tissues especially in critically ill patients.