Respiratory Terms
Upper Respiratory
Lower Respiratory
Nursing Interventions

THIS is a term for reduced oxygenation in arterial blood (reduced PaO2)

What is hypoxemia?


Common and usually results from crusting, cracking, or irritation of the mucous membranes.

What is Epistaxis?


THIS chronic inflammatory respiratory disease affecting the airways is characterized by coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and tachypnea.

What is ashthma?


Nursing Problem: Impaired Gas Exchange. What interventions and labs should be done?

 What is: monitor Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs), frequently assess lung sounds, raise head of bed, provide oxygen as needed, monitor SaO2, give bronchodilators as ordered.


The elderly have an increased risk of this due to less effective respiratory defense mechanisms.

What is lung infection?


THIS is the expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract

What is hemoptysis? 


The thyroid cartilage is split, and a tumor can be removed. Vocal cords may be removed.

What is a laryngectomy?


Signs of this emergency condition include sudden chest pain that worsens with breathing, apprehension, tachypnea, dyspnea.

What is a pulmonary embolism?


Nursing Problem: Ineffective airway clearance. What are some interventions to help this?

What is: increase fluids, chest physiotherapy, postural drainage, turn/cough/deep breathe, ambulation, acapella.


80 year old with pneumonia becomes restless and agitated, what do we do first?

Assess patients' oxygen saturation


This is a temporary interruption in the normal breathing pattern in which no air movement occurs

What is apnea?


A condition in which the patient stops breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or more, until there is a reflex gasp for air.

What is obstructive sleep apnea?


THIS chronic bacterial infection spreads through the air and usually affects the lungs, although it can affect other organs in the body. A person with this infection often has no symptoms. With active disease symptoms include a cough that doesn’t go away, hemoptysis, fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite.

What is tuberculosis?


Nursing Problem: Knowledge deficit r/t interventions during a nosebleed (epistaxis). What education should the nurse provide?

What are: apply lateral pressure to the nears, tip head forward, do not swallow the blood, do not blow/pick the nose, avoid aspirin/nsaids, apply ice packs, humidification or nasal lubricants, may need packing.


The nurse is aware the elderly are at increased risk for infection. Due to this, the pneumonia vaccine should be recommended. At what age should this be?

What is: 50 if chronic illness or age over 65 or living in a long-term care facility.

How Often: every 5 years.


During this phase of breathing the diaphragm contracts

What is inspiration?


The client after a tonsillectomy is complaining of nausea and is swallowing frequently. What is the potential problem?

What is bleeding?


THIS is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract caused by different viral strains.Symptoms include myalgia, fever, cough.

What is influenza?


Nursing Problem: knowledge deficit related to tracheostomy suctioning. What education should the nurse provide?

What are: do not suction for more than 10 seconds, suction applied only on the way out, use sterile equipment and aseptic technique, preoxygenate, allow for rest periods in between suction attempts, oxygenate between suction attempts if sats drop.


The nurse needs to be aware the elderly adult should weigh the risk versus benefit of steroid use. What problems can steroid use cause?

What are: thinning of the skin, GI bleed, increased blood sugar, increased blood pressure, osteoporosis, avascular necrosis of hips, delirium


Difficult or labored respiration is known as THIS

What is dyspnea?


What are the early signs of hypoxia?

Pallor, restlessness, hypertension


In THIS chronic disease state, air flow is obstructed by emphysema, chronic bronchitis or both

What is COPD?


Nursing Problem: Knowledge deficit related to infection prevention. What education should the nurse provide?

What is: wash hands frequently, increase nutrition, exercise, avoid sick people, avoid large crowds.


The nurse is aware the elderly client has problems with their respiratory status such as decreased alveoli, decreased lung compliance, decreased cough reflex, etc. What are some risks that go along with these issues?

What are: aspiration, atelectasis, inability to clear secretions, risk for pneumonia, increased risk for airway obstruction.