Respiratory System
Diagnostic Studies
Misc Respiratory Issues
Head & Neck Cancer
This substance keeps the alveoli from collapsing.
What is surfactant
This test is used to assess the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs.
What is an ABG?
The most common complication seen after a patient has influenza.
What is pneumonia?
One benefit of a tracheostomy tube over an endotracheal tube is that the patient can participate in this activity.
What is eating; speaking?
Most cases of head and neck cancer are caused by this.
What is tobacco use (85%); will also accept excessive ETOH consumption?
Pulse oximetry would not be accurate if a patient has this condition.
What is peripheral constriction of arteries
This procedure would be used to retrieve a sample of the lung tissue for biopsy.
What is endoscopy?
Patient who have this often appear as if they have "raccoon eyes".
What is nasal fracture
After inflation of a tracheostomy tube cuff, this must be done every 8 hours to prevent tracheal necrosis.
What is measure/verify cuff pressure with a manometer?
This extreme procedure is often done following a total laryngectomy to decrease the risk of lymphatic spread.
What is radical neck dissection?
The carina is found in this part of the respiratory system.
What is where the trachea bifurcates?
A patient who has this procedure has a large needle inserted into the pleural space to remove fluid or obtain a specimen.
What is thoracentesis?
This population would be considered high risk for contracting influenza.
What is nursing home residents; immunocompromised; pregnant women; chronic illnesses; health care workers?
This type of trach tube would be used when the patient is stable enough to protect the airway and wants to start speaking.
What is a fenestrated tube?
Patients who have had a total laryngectomy may be able to speak again though the use of this device - though the voice may sound a bit mechanical.
What is artificial larynx (electrolarynx)?
This term is used to describe the distensibility of the lungs.
What is compliance?
Test measures peak expiratory flow rate among others.
What is pulmonary function test?
Identifying and avoiding "triggers" is the most important intervention in managing this condition.
What is allergic rhinitis?
The first thing the nurse would do if a tracheostomy tube is dislodged.
What is put it back in (reinsert it)?
Immediately after surgical removal of neck cancer, the nurse prioritizes the assessment of this system.
What is respiratory system?
This respiratory defense mechanism is useful in protecting the lungs from microorganisms.
What are nasal hairs; mucous & mucous membranes of resp tract; mucociliary escalator; IgA in mucous; cilia; cough reflex; reflex bronchoconstriction; alveolar macrophages
In this test the patient inhales a radioactive isotope followed by an injected (IV) radioactive isotope.
What is V/Q scan?
This procedure might be done to improve upper airway function, or to improve appearance.
What is rhinoplasty?
This would be the most important thing the nurse can do when performing trach care in the hospital to prevent respiratory tract infections.
What is maintain sterility?
This is a common symptom experienced by patients with early laryngeal cancer.
What is hoarseness that lasts more than 2 weeks?