You should always assume the suspect is?
armed and dangerous
Whats the first step for a building search?
Locate Entry point.
What safety precautions should an Officer take while approaching a house
What is avoid walking or standing in front of or near windows.
What is a Robbery?
Robbery is a violent crime with an extremely high level of risk to peace officers, victims, and bystanders.
Even though the officer secured the area, should they assume that there's nothing possibly hiding or there isn't any potentially life ending item in the area?
First officer on scene should assume what responsibilities?
Primary officer and take control of scene.
Whats an essential thing to do while in a building search?
Maintain Communication.
How should an Officer use window caution
What is exercise caution when crossing below windows while searching directly outside buildings.
What approaches to robbery are also similar to what crime?
To burglary.
Officers cannot conclude their search being entirely sure of the search capturing all suspects therefore they take precautions to ensure persecution of them by checking all possible hiding spots following a specific type of search known as ....
systematic search
Cover and concealment, Communicate observation, Coordinate the approach of responding units, Contain scene and suspect
What do you need to do, in order to no let people in or out a scene?
Establish a perimeter.
When should the Officer use cover during the search
What is use available cover whenever possible during the search.
What is an officer's priority during a robbery?
That human life is priority
In order to prevent possible crime scene corruption, what must the officer make sure of?
no one enters in the area and search carefully.
Place arrest if necessary and continue search.
To identify a entry point, what are you looking for?
Broken Glass, Damaged Locks, Pry Marks, Uncommon Entrances.
What points of entry should the Officer be looking for
What is look for any potential points of entry available.
What are the Guidelines for Officers during a Robbery?
Develop a plan of operation
Approach scene quickly and quietly
Observe for look-outs, get-away drivers/cars or accomplices
Taking appropriate actions upon arrival
Officers can use what to search the area for more information?
What should you do if a suspect flees?
Primary officer should request additional units to cover possible escape routes where they can intercept fleeing suspect(s).
What does a Crime Scene Technician do?
Collect Evidence.
What is a Systematic Exterior Search?
What is search in, on top of, around, and under all areas that may conceal an individual.
What should the primary officer do when arriving at a robbery?
The primary officer should discreetly assess the crime scene, update dispatch and assisting units, and request additional resources if needed. Also responsible for containing the area and setting up a perimeter
What can officers also request for making sure no one flees or is hiding somewhere up top?
A helicopter