Home & School

What is one way to show "responsibility" in a friendship?

 being respectful and kind, communicating, being honest, keeping your promises...


How do you show responsibility at your house?

What is by doing my chores, keeping my room clean, cleaning up after myself, helping my parents, taking care of pets, listening to my parents, helping with my siblings...


Name one way you are responsible for yourself.

I dress myself, I do my work, I clean my room, I listen to my parents and teachers, I make choices that I am responsible for...


Your parent slept in late this morning, you know what time you need to be at school, should you wake them up or play xbox all morning?

Wake them up and let them know what time it is. Start to do what you need to do to get ready.


You broke a promise to a friend, now what would be the responsible thing to do?

You need to be honest about it, own it, apologize and what you will do next might need to earn their trust back


What could you do to help about around the house if your parent wasn't feeling well?

What is help with my siblings, help with my pets, help my parent (let them rest, bring something to drink/eat)...


Name 2 ways you can show personal responsibility for your own health.

Eat healthy foods, exercise, drink water, dress for the weather, and stay active...


Tell about a responsible choice you saw someone else make this week

Answers may vary


You already told one friend you would hang out with them but another friend has invited you to come to their house instead, what is the responsible thing to do?

You need to be honest about your first plans, see if all of your friends want to hang out together...if not, maybe plan to go to your friend's house another time


Name one way you can be responsible in the classroom.

Keep my space organized, pick up after myself, make sure I do my job/role, help others, participate, keep the classroom clean...


Tell about a responsible choice you made this week

Answers may vary


What would happen if all the teachers at your school decided to take the week off and not come to school?

No one would be there to teach, who would keep the students safe, fed, cared for? that would not be responsible of them to do...


You see one of your best friends being rude to another student, that student tells the teacher, later you are asked if you saw your friend do anything wrong, what is the responsible thing to do?

 be honest and tell the truth.


You have the opportunity to stay after school and complete some unfinished work or you can go and hang out with your friends, which choice is more responsible?

Finish my incomplete work, hang out with friends if there is time


We are responsible for controlling our own emotions, name 2 ways to calm down when you are feeling frustrated.

Count to 10, breathing exercises, (bonus pts if you can show us one), read a book, talk to someone...


You find a wallet outside the store - what should you do?

Don't take anything inside and turn it into the customer service desk


You are working and helping your parents with a really important project in the yard when a friend calls and invites you over to play. What is the responsible thing to do?

Put first things first! Finish helping your parents with the project and then see if your friend is still available for a play date


Your parent said to turn the lights/electronics off because it is time for bed but you only have ten minutes left in your show and you want to finish it. What's the responsible thing to do?

Ask your parent calmly and respectfully if you can have a few more minutes to finish the show. If they say no, turn off the show and be okay with that. Perhaps you can finish it tomorrow.


When it comes to personal hygiene, how can we be responsible?

Brush my teeth, shower or take a bath regularly, comb/brush my hair, change my clothes...


What if the farmers who grow all the fruit and vegetables decided they were too busy watching TV to take care of the crops?

There would be no fruit and vegetables, the crops could dry out, nothing would grow...we wouldn't have food we need!