
What is one way to show "responsibility" in a friendship?

What is being respectful, communicating, keeping your promises...


Name one way you can be responsible in the classroom.

Keep my desk organized, pick up after myself, make sure I do my job/role, help others, participate, keep the classroom clean...


How do you show responsibility at your house?

What is by doing my chores, keeping my room clean, cleaning up after myself, helping my parents, helping with my siblings...


Name one way you are responsible for yourself.

I dress myself, I do my homework, I clean my room...


Your mom slept in late this morning, you know what time you need to be at school, should you wake her up or play xbox all morning?

Wake mom up and let her know what time it is.

You broke a promise to a friend, now what would be the responsible thing to do?

What is being honest about it, apologizing...


You have the opportunity to stay in at recess to complete unfinished work or you can go out to recess and play basketball with your friends, which choice is more responsible?

What is finish my incomplete work.


What could you do to help about around the house if your Mom wasn't feeling well?

What is help with my siblings, help with my pets, help my mom (bring her something to drink/eat)...


Name 2 ways you can show personal responsibility for your own health.

Eat healthy foods, exercise and stay active...


You want to buy a new video game that costs more than you have saved from your allowance, what should you do?

Continue to save your allowance until you have what you need.


You already told one friend you would play with them at recess but another friend has invited you to come play soccer instead, what is the responsible thing to do?

What is being honest about your plans, invite all of your friends to play together...


How would you demonstrate responsibility if you forgot to bring your homework to school, including a book you need to study for a test tomorrow?

What is be honest about my mistake and ask to turn in my work tomorrow and share or borrow a book.


You are on your way to a friend's birthday party when you realize you forgot to feed the dog, what's the responsible thing to do?

Let your mom know you forgot right away and try to do it when you get home.


When it comes to personal hygiene, how can we be responsible?

Brush my teeth, shower or take a bath regularly, comb/brush my hair...


What would happen if all the Teachers at your school decided to take the week off and go to Disneyland?

No one would be here to teach, who would keep the students safe, that would not be responsible of them to do...


You see one of your best friends being rude to another student, that student tells the teacher, later you are asked if you saw your friend do anything wrong, what is the responsible thing to do?

What is be honest and tell the truth.


A classmate that is known as the "class clown" wants you to join in on a prank. What is the responsible thing for you to do?

Politely tell them no due to not wanting to get in trouble, and then let the teacher know.


Name 3 ways you can show responsibility at home with your parents?

Being honest, completing your chores, listening to their demands, cleaning up after yourself, taking charge before being asked...


We are responsible for controlling our own emotions, name 2 ways to calm down when you are feeling frustrated.

Count to 10, go to a calm down corner, read a book, talk to someone...


Your parents ask you if you completed your homework and you havent. What do you do?

You be honest and explain why you didn't do it. If appropriate, you try to finish it.


You are working on homework when a friend calls and invites you over to watch a movie. What is the responsible thing to do?

What is to put first things first and finish your homework first.


You forgot to study for the spelling test today and a friend offers to let you copy off their paper, what is the responsible thing to do here?

What is do your best and not to copy off someone else's paper.


Your Mom said to turn the lights/electronics off because it is time for bed but you only have one more level to play before you beat the game your playing, you will lose all progress if you stop now, what's the responsible thing to do?

Save the game and follow the rules, ask your mom if you can have a few more minutes to finish the game.


You are at a sleepover where everyone is watching a really scary movie, you know your parents would not approve of you watching, what is the responsible thing to do? 

Let an adult know.


What if the farmers who grow all the fruit and vegetables decided they were too busy watching TV to take care of the crops?

There would be no fruit and vegetables, the crops could dry out, nothing would grow...