Responsibility at Home
Responsibility at School
Responsible or Irresponsible?

What does it mean to be responsible? A) Doing things you say you are going to do. B) Getting to things when you can as long as they get done.

A) Doing things you say you are going to do.


Responsibility at home means: A) Doing your chores like making your bed, setting the table and putting your laundry in the hamper when you are asked to. B) Doing your chores on time without being asked because it is a way to contribute to your household.

B) Doing your chores on time without being asked because it is a way to contribute to your household.


Students at school are responsible for: A) Getting homework done as fast as you can so that you can have some fun. Who cares as long is it is ready to turn in? B) Getting your homework done as assigned and using it as an opportunity to learn and review.

B) Getting your homework done as assigned and using it as an opportunity to learn and review.


Leah stays up late on school nights watching TV.


Responsibility is: A) Doing the things you say you are going to do and keeping your promises. B) Making promises and only keeping them when you feel like you have the time.

A) Doing the things you say you are going to do and keeping your promises.


Responsibility at home means: A) Closing the the door when you leave as fast as possible so that you do not keep anybody waiting. B) Carefully closing and locking the door when you leave the house so that no one gets in that isn't supposed to.

What is B) Carefully closing and locking the door when you leave the house so that no one gets in that isn't supposed to.


Responsibility at School means: A) Returning library books on time. B) Returning library books when I am done with them. If someone is waiting for them they can wait a little longer.

A) Returning library books on time.


Rick walked around the hallway instead of going to the nurse.



Responsibility is: A) Following through on your commitments, even if you are late and have let someone down. B) Following through with your commitments on time, even if you do not feel like it.

B) Following through on your commitments on time, even if you do not feel like it.


Responsibility at home means: A) Giving your pet food water and attention when you have the time. B) Always checking to see if your pet needs food, water and attention, and giving it to them at that time because your pet is counting on you.

B) Always checking to see if your pet needs food, water and attention, and giving it to them at that time because your pet is counting on you.


Being responsible at school means: A) keeping your work area the way you like it even if it is messy. After all, Albert Einstein said "an empty desk represents an empty mind." B) Keeping your work space clean so that everyone can function in the classroom without a distraction of a mess.

B) Keeping your work space clean so that everyone can function in the classroom without a distraction of a mess.


Someone called Natalie a name and she called her a name back.



Being Responsible means: A) Taking care of the things you borrow and returning them on time, even if they are broken or in worse shape than when you borrowed them. B) Taking care of things you borrowed but returning them in as good or better condition than you borrowed them.

B) Taking care of things you borrowed but returning them in as good or better condition than when you borrowed them.


Being responsible at home means: A) Keeping your eye on your little brother or sister if you have one and setting a good example for them. B) Who cares? I need to text a friend and my little brother or sister will be fine, I will check on them in a while.

A) Keeping your eye on your little brother or sister and setting a good example for them.


Being responsible at school means: A) Not asking too many questions. Your teacher will be upset and your questions are usually stupid anyway. B) Ask questions when you are confused or don't understand. Chances are you are not the only person who has that question.

B) Ask questions when you are confused or don't understand.


Rhonda set aside time each night to work on her school project. 



Being responsible means: A) making wise choices such as choosing to eat healthy, and wearing a helmet. B) making wise choices that affect others is important, but how you choose to live your own life is your business and is not part of being responsible.

A) Making wise choices such as choosing to eat healthy and wearing a helmet.


Being responsible at home means: A)Brushing teeth at least once a week and making sure my parents see me so they will quit bugging me. B) Brushing your teeth at least twice a day without being told to ensure your teeth are healthy and cavity free.

B) Brushing your teeth at least twice a day without being asked to ensure your teeth are healthy and cavity free.


Responsibility at school: A) Understanding that being a student is your job--plan to do it well. B) Understand that being a student is just being a kid--get through school as best you can and then have fun.

A) Understand that being a student is your job plan to do it well.


Lexie is on time to soccer practice every day.
