Responsibility at school
Responsibility at recess
Responsibility at home
What would you do?

Responsibility is: 

A) Doing the things you say you are going to do only when you feel like it   

B) Keeping your word and doing the things you say you are going to do

What is 

B) Keeping your word and doing the things you say you are going to do


Students at school are responsible for: 

A) Getting homework done as fast as you can so that you can have some fun.

B) Getting your homework done as assigned and using it as an opportunity to learn and review.

What is

B) Getting your homework done as assigned and using it as an opportunity to learn and review.


Being responsible at recess means

A) Picking up all equipment used when the bell rings

B) Leaving the equipment out for the next class

What is

A) Picking up all equipment used when the bell rings


Being responsible at home means

A) Caring for your pets daily

B) Caring for your pets when you get around to it

What is

A) Caring for your pets daily


You see a classmate hurt at recess. What would you do?

A) Ask if he/she is okay and get help

B) Ask if he/she is okay only if they are my friend

What is

A) Ask if he/she is okay and get help


Responsibility is: 

A) Being accountable for the way you treat only the people you like

B) Being accountable for the way you treat all people

What is 

B) Being accountable for the way you treat all people


Responsibility at School means: 

A) Returning library books on time. 

B) Returning library books when I am done with them. If someone is waiting for them they can wait a little longer.

What is 

A) Returning library books on time.


Being responsible at recess means

A) Lining up right away when the bell rings

B) Lining up when you see your teacher

What is

A) Lining up right away when the bell rings


Doing your chores at home is an example of being responsible

A) True

B) False

What is 

A) True


You see your best friend steal a pencil off of your teacher's desk. What would you do?

A) I would pretend I did not see, I would not want to get my best friend in trouble.

B) I would talk to my friend and tell him/her stealing is wrong and ask him/her to do the right thing and put it back

What is

B) I would talk to my friend and tell him/her stealing is wrong and ask him/her to do the right thing and put it back


What does it mean to be responsible? 

A) Doing things you say you are going to do. 

B) Getting to things when you can as long as they get done.

What is 

A) Doing things you say you are going to do.


Being responsible at school means: 

A) keeping your work area the way you like it even if it is messy.  

B) Keeping your work space clean and free of distractions.

What is

B) Keeping your work space clean and free of distractions.


Being responsible means

A) Walking in the hall and using a quiet voice

B) Walking in the hall and using a quiet voice only when you see a teacher coming 

What is

A) Walking in the hall and using a quiet voice


Being responsible at home means

A) Cleaning your room the first time you are asked

B) Cleaning your room when you feel like it

What is

A) Cleaning your room the first time you are asked


You are the last one to use the pencil sharpener and it breaks. What would you do?

A) Go back to your seat quietly and hope you were not seen

B) Explain to your teacher you used the pencil sharpener and it broke 

What is 

(B) Explain to your teacher you used the pencil sharpener and it broke


Being Responsible means: 

A) Taking care of the things you borrow and returning them on time. 

B) Returning things you borrowed whenever you want to.

What is

A) Taking care of things you borrowed and returning them on time


Being responsible at school means: 

A) Not asking too many questions because you may upset your teacher.

 B) Ask questions when you are confused or don't understand. Chances are you are not the only person who has that question.

What is

B) Ask questions when you are confused or don't understand. Chances are you are not the only person who has that question.


Being responsible at recess means

A) Waiting until you go back to class to use the restroom

B) Using the restroom during recess

What is

B) Using the restroom during recess


Being responsible at home means

A) Getting up and ready for school on time

B) Sleeping in and being tardy

What is

A) Getting up and ready for school on time


You are walking down the hall and see a $20 bill on the ground. What would you do?

A) Quickly put it in your pocket and go to class

B) Return the money to the office 

What is

B) Return the money to the office


Being responsible means: 

A) making wise choices such as wearing a helmet. 

B) wearing a helmet some of the time.

What is
A) making wise choices such as wearing a helmet.


Being responsible at school means

A) Picking up all your trash in the cafeteria, even when it falls underneath the table

B) Only picking up the trash others can see, after all the custodian will pick it up

What is

A) Picking up all your trash in the cafeteria, even when it falls underneath the table


What does showing responsibility at recess mean to you?

Answers may vary


Being responsible at home means

A) Picking up after yourself

B) Asking my mom/dad to put my things away for me

What is

A) Picking up after yourself


The bell rang and you are in a rush to get home. You see a set of keys on the bench outside your classroom. What would you do?

A) Return the keys to the office

B) Keep walking, after all they are not yours and you need to get home

What is

A) Return the keys to the office