What do you call a waiter/waitress in Spanish?
What is a coffee in Spanish?
El cafe
What is salad in Spanish?
La ensalada
What do you say to the waiter when he/she asks "hows the food."
Muy bueno
What is lemonade in Spanish?
La limonada
What is bill in spanish?
What is soda in Spanish?
Un refresco
What is a ham in Spanish?
El jamon
Translate this: Hay cuatro de nosotros
There are four us
What do you call a chicken?
El pollo
How do you say I'm thirsty in Spanish?
Tengo sed
What do you call coffee with milk?
El cafe con leche
What is cheese in Spanish?
El queso
How do you ask the waiter/waitress for a cup in Spanish?
Puedo tomar una taza
What do you call meat in Spanish?
La carne
How do you say "I'm hungry" in Spanish?
Tengo Hambre
EL te helado
What is fries in Spanish?
Las papas fritas
When you need the bill how do you ask for it?
¿Me pueden dar la cuenta?
Translate this: John quiere un refresco?.
John wants a soda.
What is spoon in Spanish?
What do you call a fruit punch in Spanish?
ponche de frutas
What is vegetables in Spanish?
Las verduras
How do you ask for a fork in Spanish?
¿Puedo obtener un tenedor por favor?
Translate this:$33.25
treinta y tres dólares y veintiseis centavos