What was Joseph smiths father's name?
Joseph SmithSr
Who appeared to Joseph in the first vision?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ - JSH 17
What was the difference in what the 3 and the 8 witnesses saw?
An angel showed the 3 the plates to them
How many times did Joseph visit the hill Commora before he was allowed to take the plates?
One a year for four years - JSH 53
Name one person who was with Joseph when he was martyred.
Hyrum,John Taylor, Willard Richards D&C 135:1-3
Who was the messenger that gave the Aaronic priesthood to Joseph and Oliver?
John the Baptist - JSH 72
How bright did Joseph describe the light that descended in the grove?
Above he brightness of the sun - JSH 16
Who barried the Book of Mormon in the hill Commora originally?
Who gave Joseph and Oliver the Melchizedek priesthood?
Peter, James, John - JSH 72
What angel restored the full power of the priesthood including sealing power?
Elijah D&C 2 Malachi 4:5-6