Literature 1
Literature 2
English Language and Terms
"The Restoration" refers to this event in British history.
What is the restoration of the monarchy after the Civil War?
Their periodical sought to "enliven morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality".
Who are Joseph Addison and Richard Steele?
Her lock is raped.
Who is Belinda?
In Journal of the Plague Year, Defoe's anecdote about the unclaimed dropped purse makes this point.
What is the great fear of the plague?
The name for the divisions in an epic poem.
What is a "canto"?
This catastrophic event occurred in England in 1665.
What is an outbreak of the plague?
He wrote a realistic but fictional account of the plague in England.
Who is Daniel Defoe?
In writing A Modest Proposal, the author hoped to draw attention to this.
The plight of the Irish poor at the hands of the oppressive English.
The "heros and nymphs" in Pope's Rape of the Lock really are this.
What is young men and women?
The name for the movement in the literary and art world that focuses on a return to the structure and ideals of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
What is neoclassicism?
The two political parties that developed in England in the late 17th century.
Who are the Whigs and the Tories?
What author did Boswell dedicate thirty years of his life to?
Who is Samuel Johnson?
The Tatler and the Spectator were established for this reason.
What is the moral reformation of society through satire and informal essays.
The tightrope account in Gulliver's Travels satirizes this.
The frivolity of the English court.
The author and title of the first English novel.
What is Pamela (or Virtue Rewarded) by Samuel Richardson?
This king was expelled from the throne for being too Catholic.
Who is James II?
A literary prodigy who was established as the foremost poet of his generation in his twenties but also suffered from a physical deformity as a result of tuberculosis of the spine.
Who is Alexander Pope?
Johnson wrote his "Letter to Lord Chesterfield" for this purpose.
What is rejection of his help as it was offered to late?
This is a theme of Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".
What is the universal fate of death and the need to honor the dead?
Swift and his contemporaries feared that continuing changes in the English language would result in this.
Preventing future readers from understanding their works.
These monarchs never learned to speak English very well and allowed control of the British government to fall almost completely into the hands of parliament.
What are George I and George II?
He was England's poet laureate for almost twenty years and wrote a distinguished translation of Homer's Virgil and many other classical authors.
Who is John Dryden?
In his diary, Pepys wrote of this unusual event in English theatrical history.
What is the use of female actresses on stage?
In Burns's poem "To a Mouse", this is the contrast in the way the speaker compares himself to the mouse from the beginning of the poem to the end.
What is earthborn companion and fellow mortal versus less fortunate one who carries the burden of past, present, and future?
The group that set up a committee, "to improve the English tongue, particularly for philosophic [that is scientific] purposes."
What is the Royal Society?