This is the most common water leak in a house.

What Are Toilet Leaks. 

*Your toilets are the most frequently used appliances. Over time, all of that usage can lead to wear and tear and cause water leaks.


The three types of fire damage are

What is damage caused by flames, damage caused by smoke, and damage caused by substance and the act of extinguishing the fire.

Five of the most common symptoms of toxic mold exposure are

What is:

Brain Fog/Memory Loss

Headaches and Migraines 

Joint numbness or pain

Persistent cough

Ear infections


Reason why Biohazard remediation is so important

What is without proper cleanup of these substances, the possible spread of diseases, such as HIV, AIDS, hepatitis B and C, is much higher.


This is the worst level of hoarding

What is Level 5 which includes fire hazards, no electricity, running water, and accumulation of pet and human waste.


How clogged gutters can cause water damage INSIDE of a home. 

What is gutter clogs and overflow can cause detrimental leaks in your roof, ceiling AND basement/crawlspace!


Why you should clean your fireplaces before using them.

What is an explosion


Best way to know if your symptoms are from mold

What is an air quality and swab test to be evaluated at a 3rd party lab. 


Biohazards are...

What is: Biohazards can be blood and other bodily fluids, sewage, or other items, such as needles, that have been contaminated by bodily fluids. 

This is what a hoarder is usually most afraid of
What is being judged by the community, family and peers. 

This is the average cost of a water damage loss in middle Tennessee.

What is $6,000. 

Water damage costs homeowners across the nation up to $20 BILLION each year!


It takes this long for a house fire to reach temperatures of over 1100 degrees Fahrenheit

3.5 minutes

This happens when water damage does not get dried out properly by a restoration professional



This is what I mean when you hear me talk about "decomp" and why proper remediation is important

What is: No matter if death is by murder, suicide, or from natural causes, decomposition begins soon after death. A decomposing body can be considered a potential biohazard because the fluids released after death can sometimes carry bloodborne pathogens.



These are the type of people who become hoarders

What is: It could happen to ANYONE and does more than anyone realizes. Mostly caused by trauma related incidents throughout their lives. 


The IICRC S500 defines category 2 water damage as water that is...

What is "Grey Water". Water that contains significant contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contacted or consumed by humans. 


Dishwasher/washing machine discharge or overflow

Toilet bowl overflow (with #1 or #2 in it) 

Broken aquariums

Punctured waterbeds

Hydrostatic pressure seepage in basements or slabs.


These are two OTHER issues that arise from a house fire and should be restored professionally. 

Odor and Mold.


One main cause for cupping damage in hardwood flooring

What is a wet or moist crawl space and condensation on ductwork.


In the state of TN, this is NOT considered a Biohazard.

What is animal or human waste


Recovery from hoarding disorder is this

What is: Rare. The prognosis for hoarding disorder is often poor


These are the first 3 things you should do when you have a leak or a flood in your home.

1. Turn the water source off if possible and/or call a plumber to locate the source.

2. Call a restoration company.

3. Call your Insurance company.

These items are affected by fire even if the flames didn't touch them.

Carpets, mattresses, drywall, clothing, rugs, sofas. Anything that can absorb odor, will. 


This happens if there are mold spores in your ductwork

Mold spores spread throughout the house because it is now in the HVAC system


This covers the cost of biohazard remediation in most cases

What is most major homeowners insurance policies 


Something most people don't know about hoarders is 

What is: People who suffer from hoarding disorder are usually individuals with an extremely high intelligence.