This is used to make sure everyone gets a turn to speak.
What is A Talking Piece?
RJ sees accountability as different from punishment; it requires taking responsiblity for this.
What is repairing harm?
Instead of asking "what law or rule was broken?" restorative justice asks this question.
What is "who was harmed?"
This country has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
What is the United States?
These can be fun or they can be thought-provoking.
What are Circle Questions?
This describes a way to take accountability.
What is a meaningful apology?
What is saying and doing sorry?
Instead of asking "who should be punished?" restorative justice asks this.
What is "how can the harm be repaired?"
A person caught shoplifting has a $500 fine imposed that they cannot afford to pay. Name an alternative to address the harm.
What is meaningful community service?
What is a circle process with the store owner to understand the impact of the harm?
What is working at the store to pay off the cost of the stolen items?
Restorative justice says that harm affects not only the individuals involved, but also what?
What is the Community?
This quality or skill is essential to accountability and repairing harm.
What is empathy?
What alternative might a school use instead of suspension?
What is a restorative circle or conference?
State why a person who was seriously harmed might prefer a restorative approach to a criminal legal process?
What is a victim's voice is not truly heard in the legal process?
What is the victim can help control how the person who did harm is held accountable?
What is the person does not want to participate in a legal process that is racist?
Name two ways a community can support someone returning from incarceration?
*job training
*mentorship opportunities
*voluntary mental health and substance use services
*advocate for restorative justice programs
True or false: accountability is the sole responsibility of the person who caused harm?
False! Accountability is also the responsibility of the community to the person who caused harm and the person who was harmed.
Who can be involved in a restorative circle or conference?
Who is:
*the person who was harmed
*the person who caused the harm
*a support person for both of those people
*other affected community members
Research shows that long prison sentences do not necesarily reduce this.
What is re-offending or recidivism?