Ornery Orders
Dogged Documentation
Confinement Curveball
Shackle, Sedate & Snag, Oh My!
Tame Tie-Up
This is the time frame for Violent restraint order renewal.
What is every 4 hours?
Ongoing patient assessment and monitoring for Violent restraints is documented here.
What is the Violent/Self-Destructive Restraint Flow Sheet?
If a restraint is removed for any period of time other than for ADL's and assessment you must take these 2 actions in Powerchart within 1 hour.
What is place a new order and complete another Restraint Initiation Powerform?
This type of restraint is applied and monitored by law enforcement.
What is forensic restraint?
Medical necessity such as drug or alcohol withdrawal, mechanical ventilation, or pulling at medical devices may require this type of restraint order.
What is Non-Violent Restraint order?
A Nurse has this amount of time to notify the physician and place the verbal order for Violent Restraints.
What is 1 hour?
A single Violent/Self-Destructive Restraint Flow Sheet is a record used for this time frame (how long?).
What is 4 hours?
This must be done within an hour of violent restraint initiation to evaluate the patient's immediate situation and other conditions to warrant violent restraints.
What is the face-to-face evaluation?
To apply the use of force in order to administer medications requires the Nurse to obtain this first.
What is a Physician's order prior to the application of force, which is considered a restraint?
Unlike Violent restraints, Non-Violent restraint orders are good for this period of time.
What is each calendar day?
This type of order for violent restraints is not acceptable at any time.
What is a standing or PRN order?
This Powerform documentation must be completed by the Nurse for all violent restraints within 1 hour of placing restraints.
What is the Restraint Initiation Powerform?
These 3 roles are approved to perform the face-to-face evaluation.
What is the Physician, Clinical Nurse Manager, approved STAT members?
This type of restraint restricts freedom of movement and manages behavior, but is not a standard treatment for the patient's condition.
What is Chemical Restraint?
Non-violent restraints may be initiated only after this has first been determined?
What is less restrictive measures have been determined to be unsuccessful?
For patients in violent restraints for extended periods of time the physician must do this every 24 hours prior to writing a new restraint order.
What is the Physician must see and assess the patient.
Monitoring skin, circulation, swelling and abrasions in the Violent/Self-Destructive patient is completed this often.
What is every 15 minutes (On the Violent/Self-Destructive Restraint Flow Sheet)?
Age-limited orders determines this with infants and children.
What is the length of time that orders are valid before obtaining renewal orders if the condition persists?
These 2 general classes of medications may be used as chemical restraints?
What are Antipsychotics and Benzodiazepines?
For a patient at high risk for aspiration, and their condition permits, it is safest to maintain the restrained patient in this position.
What is on their side?