The length a high school resume should be.
This section includes your name, address, phone number and email address.
Heading Section
It is ok to lie a little bit on your resume to look better.
Honesty is key! They will be able to tell your lie when you interview.
A title that describes someone's job or position.
Job Title
Your personal hobbies and interests should be included on your resume.
It depends!
Only if it is relevant to the job.
How many fonts should you use on your resume?
Professional, simple fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri).
This section (statement) follows the heading section and includes your purpose for your resume and goals.
Objective Statement
Are you looking to gain work experience? Part-time work? Skills?
You should include your middle school education in your resume.
Once you are in high school, you should only list your current high school education.
Volunteer Experience
If you are a captain on a team, you can list this as leadership experience on your resume
What range of font sizes are most appropriate for a resume?
10–12-point font
Includes your name of school, city, and state, graduation year, and sometimes GPA.
Education Section and are appropriate email addresses to list on your resume.
Time to get professional!
Dates of Employment
Bullet statements for job duties and accomplishments start with this to sound more impactful and dynamic.
Action Verb
(examples - developed, implemented)
These fun, colorful, "ready-made" resume formats should NOT be used when creating your resume.
This section outlines your experience related to the job.
Work Experience or Relevant Experience
You should customize your resume to fit the job description and company you are applying for.
Key words should from the job description and required qualifications should be included in your resume.
Each experience should include how many bullet statements outlining your duties and accomplishments?
Each section/experience you include should be listed in this order.
Most recent to oldest
(Reverse chronological order)
Outlines skills that you have that are directly related to the position in which you are applying.
Skills Section
Include both hard (technical) and soft (transferable) skills.
You should include your gender, age/DOB on your resume.
Do not include anything that could be used as discriminating.
(True or False) If you do not have any paid work experience, you do not list any experience on your resume.
We will be creative - we can use relatable class projects, field trips, course work, clubs, sports, and volunteer work.
(Yes or No) A nice picture of yourself or selfie on your resume is appropriate.
Save your professional photo for LinkedIn.