Rise of Religion
Religion and War/Terrorism
Religion and Democracy
Decline and Rise
Religion and Peacemaking
What has been the reality of religion in relation to international affairs in the 21st century?
Civil wars are much more destructive when religion is at the heart of the conflict. True or false?
What is true?
Two powerful waves (movements) that have swept across world politics in the last forty years.
What are democracy and religious activism?
The first legal constitution that enshrined religious freedom and the prohibition of a nationally established church.
What is the Constitution of the United States (and especially its first amendment)
Religions for Peace
What is a major interfaith organization that brings together religious communities to work for peace all around the world?
Secularization Thesis
What is the prediction that religion will decline as a force in international affairs in the modern (and post-modern) world?
Two determining factors as to how religious groups engage in politics (through violence or democratic means)
What are how religious communities are integrated into government and what is their political theology?
Samuel Huntington attributes the major leadership in the third wave of democratization (that happening between 1974 and 1991) to what major relgious movement.
What is the Roman Catholic Church?
"the opiate of the people"
What is the Soviet Communist definition of religion?
The event in the 20th century that launched the Catholic Church as a major force for human rights, democratization, and peacemaking around the world?
What was Vatican II?
Major events that gave rise to an Islamic resurgence in world affairs
What are 9/11 and the Iranian Revolution of 1979?
Two countries where religious communities are tightly integrated with the goverment and other relgious communities are subject to exclusion. (and therefore the potential for religious violence is high)
What are Russia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Israel/Palestine, and Saudia Arabia?
The percentage of countries making a transition from authoritarian rule to democracy in the last 50 years in which religious actors played a substantial role.
What is more than half?
- Secular states and movements "didn't deliver" - An increase in democracy around the globe - Globalization
What are three societal factors that supported the "comeback" of religion as a major force in global affairs since the 1960s?
The leaders who brought together the World Council of Churches in 1948 were also influential in the formation of this organization for global peace and security.
What is the United Nations?
Two living figures who are two the best known activists of "engaged Buddhism"
Who are the Dalai Lama and Aung San Sui Kyi?
Red Army, Palestinian Liberation Organization, Shining Path, Maoist Movement in Nepal.
What are major liberation movements that engaged in terrorism in the latter half of the 20th century that were primarily secular in nature?
A set of political and societal conditions where religious communities are more likely to be a force for peace, human rights, and democracy.
What is a political/societal context where there is freedom and "space" for religious actors and no "established" religion?
- The French Revolution of 1789 - The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 - Pan-Arab and Pan-African movements in the 20th century
What are three political movements that engaged in "hostile takeovers" of religions and the leaders of religious movements?
What small Christian community is cited in "God's Century" for its role in mediating peace in Mozambique and more than a dozen other global conflicts in recent years?
What is the San Egidio Community?
The Christian movement that had hardly any members one hundred years ago but is now the second largest Christian family and is primarily composed by the world's poor.
What is Pentecostalism?
The rise of religiously motivate terrorism greatly complicates moral decision making about war and peace using what commonly accepted standards.
What are the Principles of Just War?
North Korea Saudia Arabia
What are two countries where both democracy and religious freedom are stickly forbidden?
The Peace of Westphalia (1648)
What is the treaty that ended the 100 Years War of Religions and set a framework to make religion subservient to the state? (and which began the secularization process for the next 300 years)
- Engaging in Interfaith dialogue - Taking civil society initiatives - Mediating peace settlements - Creating institutions for transitional justice
What are strategies that religious actors can use to promote peace?