Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 & 4
Other Worldly Things

What is the 10/80/10 rule?

10% apples-low hanging fruit, juicy, easy to close, great for our confidence/80% oranges-have to peel back the layers, over turn objections and answer some questions/10% coconuts- hard to crack, not so nice


What are BB/AB Objections/Early/Late Objections?

Early objections are objections from the customer that come before your presentation/Late objections are objections from the customer that come after the presentation or during the
close or rehash. You have already impulsed the customer, and they are interested, but there is
something holding them back.


What is an example of how to have "fun" in the field? 



What does it mean: Being Productive VS. Active?

Being active is getting things done; being productive is getting the right things done.


Are avocados a fruit or a veggie?

Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable. They're technically considered a single-seeded berry, believe it or not.


What are the 4 Factors of Impulse and the acronym we use for them?

JIFS peanut butter analogy to memorize- Jones Effect: People want what everyone else has/Indifference: Acting the opposite of a salesperson; laid-back and nonchalant/Fear of Loss: Don't want to miss out/Sense of Urgency: Customer feels it will be a long process to enroll and the rep needs to speed things


What is Deregulation?

There are 22 states in the country that are deregulated. This means that anyone who pays an electric or gas bill can shop around the energy market and choose a specific energy supplier to
show up on their electric bill for perks and rewards.


What is QTQP?

Quality Time with Quality People


What is Voice Inflection/Tonality?

Voice Inflection:  a rise or fall in the sound of a person's voice : a change in the pitch or tone of a person's voice. : a change in the form of a word that occurs when it has a particular use./Tonality: Tonality is the way that your voice sounds when you’re saying something. It may sound simple, but it makes a huge difference in the way that what you say comes across to the other person. In fact, studies show that 38% of communication comes down to tonality, and just 7% to the actual words you say. (The rest is body language.) There are three main types of tonality: question, statement, and command tonality. With question tonality, your voice goes up at the end of the sentence; with statement tonality it stays flat; and with command tonality it goes down. You can try it now — take any random sentence and see how the feel of the sentence changes when you change the tonality.


What is the part of the human body that cannot heal itself?

Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves. Teeth are coated in enamel which is not a living tissue.


What are the BEAST Factors?

Body language Making sure your body is squared up in front of the customer is key. This way
you are in control of the conversation without being aggressive. It shows the customer that you
have something to say that is in their best interest/Eye Contact: Making eye contact is key to grabbing the customer’s attention. It helps you
exude confidence and empowers you to take initiative/Awesome Attitude: AKA positive energy. Enthusiasm is the attitude that determines how well
you accomplish your task. You want to behave more like Tigger, who is energetic and charming,
rather than Eeyore, who comes across as sad and morose/Smile: Smiling is powerful! When done correctly, it can put your customer at ease. Not only
that, it’s contagious. A key factor of transferring enthusiasm and creating likeability is focusing
on making the customer smile/Timing: Timing is crucial to creating a great first impression and increasing your stop ratio. It
refers to when you see a customer and decide to start talking to them. Engage the customer
when they are 10-15 feet away. This allows the time you need to communicate vital information
before they walk past you


What are the 4 W's?

Tactic used similar to FORDS to brerak the ice or CPR/What's in the cart? What are they wearing/wardrobe? Weather? Weekend?


What is the Sales Triangle/3 Principles of Sales?

Getting the customer to Like you, Trust you, Listen to you                                


What is a Short Term/Long Term Goal?

A short-term goal is something you want to do in the near future. ... The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year. A short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon. A long-term goal is something you want to do in the future. Long-term goals are important for a successful career. A long-term goal is something you want to accomplish in the future. Long-term goals require time and planning.


Where is the heart of a shrimp located?

The heart of a shrimp is located in its head. They also have an open circulatory system, which means they have no arteries and their organs float directly in blood.


What are the 8 Great Work Habits?

Have and Maintain a Positive Attitude, Be on Time, Be Prepared, Work a Full Day, Work Territory Correctly, Respect Customer and Client, Understand Your Opportunity, Take Control (Hey Big Baby Why Wear Red Underwear Tonight)


What are 2 of the Customer Types we teach?


Rocket Scientist Knows everything about bills and deregulation Indifference, agree with them and feed their ego 

C.O.W.S. Can’t operate without spouse Fear of Loss 

Time Vampire Spends all the time to talk and not interested in buying S.O.U., QTQP, Steer conversation back on track, Take control 

Adamant  The businessman, straight to the point Indifference, S.O.U., Mirror Match 

Shoppers Want to know our rate and search online. Fear of Loss


What are the 4 W's?

What's in the cart? What are they wearing/wardrobe? Weather? Weekend?


What's a 1v1? Who to Have Them With?

Who: our business is black and white, who is the best; our results/production are all over the place; if you wanna know who has the biggest team you can ask someone; who the high roller is? Just ask. Who has the best interview retention? Just ask. Talk to the “expert”. If you would switch places with the person, talk with them; if not, then don’t. Wouldn’t ask for help with your math homework from your english teacher, wouldn’t ask for investment advice from the homeless guy

What: what you think you need to work on, tell them what you’re currently working and simply ask if they would do anything different/just to build the relationship - talk about your goals, your family, your passions - get to know someone, if you develop the relationship then seeking/giving advice to that person becomes easier

When are you planning your week? If you’re planning on Sunday - cool! Just make sure its not Sunday at midnight when you shoot out texts/calls to ask for 1v1s when someone won’t have enough time - be prepared - give someone enough time to respond to you, especially if YOU’RE asking for the 1v1


What is the national animal of Scotland?

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. It was apparently chosen because of its connection with dominance and chivalry as well as purity and innocence in Celtic mythology.


What are Field Stories/Posi-Negs?

Field stories are not to be told "out" of the field (what happens in vegas stays in vegas type thing) Posi-neg is (It was so slow and there was hardly anyone at my store but I still got 4 apps)


What is the Bullet Theory?

Bullet: Use your bullets wisely. View each promotion or selling point as a bullet in a revolver. Using a "spray and pray" method hardly works. A gun is far less accurate when you are shooting bullet after bullet without slowing down and aiming correctly. Take your time and use each promotion as a "bullet" with your customers. Examples include: Green Energy, Fee waivers, promotions, gift cards, Discounts, "freebies", etc.


What are Soft vs. Power Words/Phrases?

“Soft” VS. Power Words/Phrases
AVOID “Soft”
“We can look up...”
“If you want...”
“If you have a second..”
USE “Power” Words These words/phrases
“All we need...”
“What’s your phone number? 508 or 617?”
help us lead the
con- versation and are more likely to
result in the customer signing up.
These words/phrases give customers an
easy out and they will likely walk away.


What is a WPOA?

Weekly Plan of attack is something to utilize to create foundation for your personal life and your business life. "Fail to plan, plan to fail."


How many nipples does Harry Styles have?

Harry Styles has four nipples. They stem from a common condition called polythelia.