What's the first thing you do in the morning when you come in the classroom? (3 steps)
Go to desk, open up agenda and turn in any papers.
What time does Bulldog time start?
How many people in the bathroom at a time?
1 boy, 1 girl
What voice level are we in the hallway?
Voice Level 0
What is a transition?
When we are going from one subject to the next.
When you get to your hook in the morning, what do you choose to do?
Go to breakfast or go straight outside
What is the very first thing you do in Bulldog time?
Fill out agenda
No, wait until that person comes back and asks.
Why is it important that we stay in line order and not cut in front of people?
Because we are the role models of the school, and we walk through the hallways carefully and quietly. If you are rushing, there is more than likely going to be an accident.
What do we do when I ring the doorbell?
Stop what you're doing, voice level 0, eyes on me. No matter what you are in the middle of doing.
What if my best friend is still getting dressed to go outside in the morning. Is it okay if I wait for them?
No, wait for them outside.
Where do you find what you need to put in your agenda and what color is the writing?
On the back board, red letters. And yes, all of the words needs to be written down!
When's a good time to use the bathroom?
When we are waiting in line for the class bathroom break, where do we stand and what voice level?
How long should transitions take?
Less than 2 minutes.
What do you do right after you turned in any papers you had?
Start my morning work at my desk, voice level 0 or 1.
What voice level should Bulldog Time be, and why is it important we stay that level?
Voice Level 0, because Ms. Fischer is working with groups and can't focus when others are talking. Same thing goes to students working at their desks.
Show me the sign you do for bathroom.
Cross fingers.
As a fourth grader, what happens if you see a younger kid messing around in the hallway?
Politely remind them to do the right thing and then show them how to do it.
What voice level should we be during transitions
Voice Level 0
1. Enter class quietly
2. Open up agenda and turn in any papers, and put water bottle in water bottle bin.
3. Pick up morning work/do morning work at desk.
4. Put morning work in folder
5. Grab book bin and silent read
What is the new expectations of Bulldog Time?
Do the list, we're not doing rotations anymore.
Is the bathroom a good place to hangout?
No, do your business and get out. Voice Level 0
What do we do with all of our winter gear when we come in from recess?
Hang it up so it dries out, place boots upright and under your hook.
What do you do if you're done with all the directions Ms. Fischer gave you? Do you go and talk to your friends until time is up?
No, you sit at your desk and look pretty. It's okay to be bored for a couple minutes while others are finishing up.