
What does it mean to "rethink" something?

Think again.  Or think about something in a different way.


What is the center of the brain that helps you understand causes and their effects and think about consequences?

Logic Center


What is the center of the brain that is connected to your feelings?

Emotion Center


Is it bad to have strong emotions?

No.  But if you act on strong emotions without thinking things through, you might say or do something to hurt someone, hurt a friendship, or get in trouble.


Rethinking is a way to keep your logic and _______ centers balanced.



Rethinking is one way to keep your emotion and ______ centers balanced.



Does your brain work best when the emotion and logic centers are balanced or unbalanced?



_____________ is one way to keep your logic and emotion centers balanced.



Rethinking is one way to keep your logic and emotion centers ______________.



What does it mean to rethink something?

Think again.  Think about something in a different way.


What is the first question to ask yourself when rethinking?

What actually happened? What are the facts vs opinions?


Why is it important to keep your logic and emotion centers balanced?

You'll think more clearly, make better choices, and feel better about yourself in the end.


What is the second question to ask when rethinking?

Has something like this ever happened to anyone else?


What is the third question to ask yourself when rethinking?

What is something good that happened or something good that may come from this?


**Is rethinking helpful if someone is hurt or in danger?

No.  In this case, you need to ask an adult for help.


You're embarrassed.  You tripped and fell going up the stairs. Everyone saw.

How can you rethink this situation?

I'm not the only person who has ever fallen before.

Not everyone laughed. 

I probably would have laughed too.


You're frustrated.  Your friend spilled juice on your new shirt.

How can you rethink this situation?

They didn't mean to spill on me.

I remember the time that I spilled water on my dad's lap.  

My friend might be embarrassed.  I won't make them feel bad.

Maybe I'll be able to get that other shirt I wanted!


What is one of Sra. Mittag's rules?

Say kind words

Ask before touching anything

Treat materials respectfully


What is the expected voice level in Sra. Mittag's office?

Level 1 or 2 (whispering or inside voice)


How many school days until winter break (not counting today)?



You're brokenhearted.  Your team lost a big game.  

How can you rethink this situation?

You played hard.  

Your team scored more goals than they have all season.  

You won every other game this season. 

You got to play a big game with your friends. 


You're lonely.  Your friends are playing after school and didn't invite you.

How can you rethink this situation?

They don't have to play with me every time.

Sometimes I play with just one of them.

It doesn't mean they don't like me.

I can play with other friends or neighbors today.

I can bake with my mom like I've wanted to.


You're disgusted.  You're at a friend's house and they serve your least favorite food for dinner.

How can you rethink this situation?

I'm happy my friend invited me over.

I'm thankful they invited me for dinner.

I'm hungry so I can just try to eat some of it.

I can be polite and say no, thank you.


You're furious.  A friend borrowed something important to you, and they lost it.

How can you rethink this situation?

They didn't mean to lose it, it was an accident.

I've lost something that belonged to someone else before.

They offered to get me a new one.

Even if they can't get me a new one, they're a good friend and I have fun with them.  I still want to be friends


You're stressed.  You show up for school and realize you forgot to study for a science test.

How can you rethink this situation?

I might know some answers even if I didn't study.

I know other students have forgotten to study before-my teacher will understand.

I'll remember to write in my planner next time so I don't forget.