An A.P. article about this habit says, "for many New Yorkers, crossing the street... against the light is a way of life"
A taxi & a ball of cotton to clean a wound
Cab & Swab
The title of a 2010 documentary gave us this word meaning to deceive with a fake online persona
Cremona is known as the home of this instrument craftsman who died there in his 90s in 1737
390 B.C.:
These people usually associated with ancient France sack Rome
The Gauls
A plan or team that comes together does this--with a J, more properly than a G
Breath for a runner & the crust of a cheese
Wind & Rind
In "Ghostbusters" Bill Murray gave an old word a new meaning, saying a "chick is" this breakfast item, meaning finito
Now it's a "confusing spread of ruins"; during Rome's golden age, this open area bustled with shoppers & lawyers
The Forum
410 A.D.:
Under Alaric, these "Westerners" sack Rome
An X-Men comic book character bears this name that comes from a title of Krishna
A hack from one's chest & unbaked bread
Cough & Dough
A 2007 pic popularized this term for a catalog of stuff to do before you die
Bucket List
The name of 34 x 7-mile Lake Maggiore means this, in relation to nearby lakes
The Largest
455 A.D.:
These people, whose name is now synonymous with pillage & destruction, sack Rome
The Vandals
This word for a lamentation full of complaints references an Old Testament prophet
A tart citrus fruit & an evil spirit
Lemon & Demon
Though it had long meant someone who ducks work, thanks to a 1991 movie title, it came to mean someone apathetic or aimless
It's the Italian name for the city of Dante & Machiavelli
1084 A.D.:
Having successfully invaded England 18 years before, they then sack Rome
The Normans
With a name meaning "new soldier", this elite Ottoman corps ceased to be in 1826 after they rebelled against military changes
A convoy of cars, perhaps escorting the president, & a sauce made with mayo & capers used on po' boys
Motorcade & Remolaude
A 1944 film title gave us this word meaning to make someone doubt his or her sanity
Sforza Castle is a 15th century fortification commissioned by the family that ruled over this city for nearly a century
1527 A.D.:
Spanish & German troops working for this "Empire" end the High Renaissance by sacking Rome
The Holy Roman Empire