Propositional Therapy
Associative Network Models
Feature Set Theory
Spreading Activation Model
Schema Theory
The process of forming propositions, which are relationships that integrate an existing body information.
What is comprehension?
This theory assumes that knowledge is in this type of structure?
What is hierarchy?
The feature set theory suggests that the primary mechanism of memory is a person's ability to recognize the ____________ features of his or her experience rather than the ____________ structures.
What is attribute rather than hierarchical.
This model is a hybrid of the Feature Set Theory, Association Network Models, and Propositional Therapy.
What is the Spreading Activation Model?
Why is schema theory one of the most controversial concepts of how humans form mental representations of the world?
What is because it is difficult to verify empirically? *Of all the theories, it has the greatest potential for explaining memory and cognitive dysfunction after brain injury, but is impossible to define operationally or to verify experimentally if humans store information in memory this way
This theory assumes that information is stored in memory according to a _____________ ______________.
What is a propositional structure? These structures are modified and developed by the person's past experience, goals, and values.
This computer program stored information in such a way that the program could answer a question in a flexible fashion, such as the way humans do, by tracing queries through the hierarchy.
What is Teachable Language Comprehender?
The most important contents of memory are the ____________ rather than the categories.
What are attributes?
This model assumes that when a person perceives anything, the effect of the perception spreads through what?
What is the entire mental network.
Schemas do not necessarily imply propositions, hierarchical structure, or categorization, but is defined as a body of organized information that _________ a person's experience and attitudes about any aspect of life.
What is summarizes? *schemas for dinner, vacations, work, etc., etc., etc. *Differ from person to person.
Brain injury could affect this network in what way?
What is the damage could eliminate an entire sub-network from the larger structure. What is the damage could destory associations in the network so that established relationships that existed before the injury no longer apply. *Regardless of the combination of effects, the result is an altered cognitive propositional network and a very different cognitive structure.
The name of the creator of the Teachable Language Comprehender.
Who is M. Ross Quillian (The M is a Mystery)
____________ features are central to the meaning of the concept while characteristic features are attributes that may be associated with the object but are not necessary to define it.
What are defining features? *Superordinates share similar defining features. * A characteristic feature of a Ford is that it is American made, whereas a defining features is that it is an automobile.
In figure 14.3 on page 153, the length of the line that connects the various elements represents what?
What is the probability that the instance or superordinate will activate another instance or superordinate. *Activating Ford is more likely to activate the memory of Taurus than it is likely to conjure the subordinate domestic.
Data structures or three-dimensional pictures of the outside world that describe situations, events, actions, and sequence and that are used for storing information in memory.
What are schema? *Humans generally form a schema of everything they read and try to integrate new information into an existing schema of experience.
Primary goal of therapy is to teach the patient to relate new information into ____________ _____________.
What is meaningful structures.
Quillian's model assumes that efficiency of thinking is partially related to the ability to organize information in this manner.
What is superordinate? Definition: Of higher rank, status, or value. *Without the structure, retrieval from memory is limited to the capacity of working memory.
The implications of this model for brain injury rehabilitation are that a client's concept of an event will depend on his or her ability to what?
What is extract the defining and characteristic features of the event?
This term refers to the assumption that any instance, ordinate, or superordinate that is stimulated will spread some amount of activation to another portion of the network.
What is spreading activation?
These are the two processes of schema formation.
What are selection and integration? *Selection: whether or not the person will relate something new iwth things he or she already knows depends on whether that person allows the information to come in contact with the schema. *Integration: interpret the information by forming inferences and presuppositions which become part of the larger schema.
When confronted with a new situation, the client learns to ask himself/herself this question.
What is "How are these things related to one another?" *This question forces the client to focus on propositions that relate to episodic information in memory.
The implication for therapy is that therapists should teach organization through _______________.
What is hierarchies? Allows the client to build or reestablish the functional networks.
This device serves to help a client form name-face associations.
What is the NAME mnemonic. *Notice the person with whom you speak Ask the person to repeat his or her name Mention the name in conversation Exaggerate some special feature
The primary goal for brain injury rehabilitation is to repair the mental network through exercises that teach this.
What is organization of semantic information? * Memory and thinking depend on the establishment of functional connections among instances and ordinates, therefore, training should include association of these characteristics.
The primary goal of therapy is to teach the patient to focus on __________ from each new experience and __________ this into existing schema.
What are content and integrate? *Must select relevant information at input and abstract the gist or main idea of the information once it reaches memory.