Qué significa... "la pintura"
the painting
Born in Mexico city, suffered a tragic accident in their youth that left them with limited mobility. Their most popular works include: Self portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird, and Self portrait with Cropped hair. ¿Quién Es?
Frida Kahlo
¿Cómo se llama esta obra?
Mona Lisa
Translate the sentence:
El arte representa la muerte
The art represents death
Qué significa... "el dibujo"
the drawing
Born in Málaga, España. Extremely famous artist, well-known for his mural symbolizing the Spanish Civil War "Guernica" and his contributions to the concepts of abstract art and cubism.
Pablo Picasso
¿Cómo se llama esta obra?
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Translate the sentence:
El arte representa la paz
The art represents peace
Qué significa... "la escultura"
Born in Figueres, España. Best known for their use of clocks and droopy, abstract figures, such as those in their most famous painting, "The Persistence of Memory"
¿Cómo se llama esta obra?
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Translate the sentence:
El arte representa el amor
¿Cómo se dice "blonde hair" en español?
pelo rubio/a
Back in the 1600’s, This person was the official painter in the court of King Philip IV and he is best known for painting many royal portraits. Such as their piece, "Las Meninas"
Diego Velázquez
¿Cómo se llama la escultura?
The Thinker
Translate the sentence:
El arte representa la tristeza
The art represents sadness
Translate the following sentence correctly...
"La persona tiene pelo negro y ojos grandes"
The person has black hair and big eyes
Married to Frida Kahlo. Is best known for their mural in the National Palace in Mexico city, titled "From Conquest to 1930"
Diego Rivera
¿Cómo se llama esta obra?
American Gothic
Translate the sentence:
El arte representa el dolor
The art represents pain