The Big "Why" (Manifesto)
Noteable Notes
Pretty Policies
Fun Facts
Where To Find

90%, 282, and 80%

What is the student classes full goal, the student number goal, and our retention goal for 2024-25 season to 2025-26?


These all have the same policy in common:

Team Retreat
first two weeks of season
last two weeks of season
open house
parent appreciation week
parents dance too week
winter showcase week
recital/audition week/recital pictures week

When are the "No substitutes permitted"/no absences time periods/events?


The Acronym of our whole name is CADA

What is the acronym for Collaborative Artists for Dance Advancement?


"do not post controversial or potentially offensive posts on public social media channels, our families and our dancers are watching and look up to us" is found here

What can you find in the Social media staff policy?


The one thing staff can do that will make admin hours and Candice hours EXPONENTIALLY more productive, save the studio money, not hold projects and responses to customers back, and reduce Candice stress.  

What happens if staff checks Slack and RESPONDS to ALL at least once per 24 hours?


2 times a semester

How many substitutes are allowed per class? 


We love these! This protects us as staff so that we know what really went on in a classroom when a parent has a concern.

What is the reason we have cameras?


What are ten examples of "Teaching in the CADA Way" Standards

What can you find in the "CADA Curriculum and Teacher Training" document?


This core value is exemplified when we start our classes on time, keep the classes moving, and finish our classes 2-3 minutes before end of class so the next teacher can start on time.

What is the core value of Leadership, which includes respect, or drive for excellence?


These are the teacher steps in the 11-step enrollment process

What are...


The one thing staff can do that will make admin hours and Candice hours EXPONENTIALLY more productive, save the studio money, not hold projects and responses to customers back, and reduce Candice stress.  

What happens if staff checks Slack and RESPONDS to ALL at least once per 24 hours?


Some people call this activity this five-letter word that starts with an "S", and people can be afraid of what this word entails, but with this word we are actually "solving their problems", not doing this five-letter word; we are providing what they've been seeking and actually came to us to find.

What is "Sales"?


This is the name of the place to go to see a timeline of deadlines for staff. 

What is the staff new season checklist? 


These are all seven of our core values listed correctly within 30 seconds

What are: 

Genuine Care, 

Drive for Excellence, 

Mental Care & Development, 


Character Building

Community &  Belonging

Trust & Belonging


We strive to do  these three things once per class with every student

What is touching them for correction, giving feedback, and using their name?


This staff task prepares us to handle so many logistically, customer service issues and track our numbers. When we're trying to plan a clinic, we can see which weeks of the years most students are present. When we have a parent complaining about payment and claiming their child didn't come, we can look and see the truth. 

What is the reason that taking roll is so important?


 This policy keeps us safe from favoritism accusations, confidentiality concerns, and trust among staff.

What is our friendship policy with parents and students? 

Your relationship with parents, students, and other faculty members is a unique and important one. We want you to foster positive and empowering relationships within the studio, however, please remember to keep your interactions strictly professional. While you are welcome to build friendships with your colleagues and clients, it must not be at the expense of your professionalism or ability to treat your students fairly. 

Meghan Honey, owner of Synergy Dance Academy in West Jordan Utah which has 1000 students, has been able to be friends with dance parents, however, she is the only exception I have ever seen. She tells me she has this rule with those friends: "My friends know I won't talk about dance or the studio. Ever. At all. Period. They know it." If you choose to be friends with a customer or CADA, this is one policy that has worked for someone.


These are the 8 age levels dancers progress through. Come to CADA, stay at CADA!

What are:

18 mos+ ("Little Leapers" Grown-Up and Me)
Ages 3-5 (Tiny Stars)
Ages 5-7 (Must be in Kindergarten) (Mini Stars)
Ages 6+ by Sep 1 (Primary)
Ages 8+ by Sep 1 
Ages 11+ by Sep 1
Ages 14+ by Sep 1


All of the steps of the substitute policy

What are:

  • First: teachers must ask PERMISSION to take the day off to ensure we do not already have 2 subs that day.
  • Second:  tell the front desk the day you will not be in the studio. We will enter it in the staff calendar. 
  • Third: Teachers are responsible to find their own substitutes for your approved days off. 
    • Substitute List here or you can get an outside sub approved before asking them
  • Fourth: Send a slack message to the front desk person of your substitutes. We must enter their names in the title of your class in the studio room calendars so that we know who to expect that day. 
  • Fifth: Please send to all substitutes

      • expectations, 
        • If they are an outside substitute, also please send them this sheet with helpful FAQ that they've really appreciated. CADA Substitute FAQ
      • a lesson plan, and 
      • anything they need to know. 
  • Last: Confirm your substitutes again the day before they teach for you as it is your responsibility to confirm and assure they show up and show up prepared.  It is your responsibility.