Praise Songs
Guess the Book
Kings as Explained by D.Trump
Christmas Trivia

Jesus's birth place...

What is Bethlehem?


Song 1

What is Praise?


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (3:16)

What is John?


This king, folks, what a legend. Started out as a humble shepherd, then took down this big guy —yuuuge victory, yuuge. Became the greatest king of Israel, no question about it. He wrote the Psalms, beautiful writings, some of the best. Had a heart for God, made some mistakes—who doesn't? But he always came back stronger. Built an incredible kingdom, really terrific guy.

Who is King David?

Christmas's girlfriend's name..

Who is Jessica?


Where Moses was given the 10 Commandments...

What is Mount Sinai?


Song 2

What is Waymaker?


"Jesus wept" (11:35)

What is John?


This king, folks, what an incredible leader. Known for his wisdom—some of the best wisdom in history, believe me. He built the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, truly a wonder. People came from all over to hear his judgments—unbelievable. Had wealth, power, and influence like you wouldn't believe. Wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes—some of the greatest works. An amazing king, really top-notch.

Who is King Solomon?


Christmas's primary job..

What is videography?


The place Jesus was baptized...

What is the Jordan River?


Song 3

What is Reckless Love?


"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people." (22:21)

What is Revelation?


This King, folks, the first king of Israel—tremendous start, really big deal. Hyuuge. Chosen by the people, stood head and shoulders above the rest—literally. Had some great victories, really strong leader at first. But then, unfortunately, he didn't follow through, made some bad choices—sad! Lost favor with God, and things went downhill. Still, an important figure, set the stage for King David. Fascinating story, truly.

Who is King Saul?

The name of Christmas's private LLC..

What is TanTan (NOT the dating app!)?


Three of the places where Paul preached...

What is Galatia, Philippi, Thessalonika, Corinth, or Ephesus?


Song 4

What is More Like Jesus?


"Pray without ceasing." (5:17)

What is 1 Thessalonians?


This king, folks, quite the character. Built some of the most magnificent buildings in ancient Israel, like the great Temple in Jerusalem—amazing work, really. Known as Herod the Great, but also had a reputation for being ruthless—very tough guy. He was in power during the birth of Jesus, made some controversial decisions, let's say. Complex figure, did some impressive things but also had some serious issues. Quite the legacy, folks, very interesting.

Who is King Herod?

The name of Christmas's doggie..

What is Gretchen?

Where Jesus was crucified...
What is Golgotha?

Song 5

What is After All These Years?


"Whenever they saw that there was a large amount of money in the chest, the royal secretary and the high priest came, counted the money that had been brought into the temple of the Lord and put it into bags." (2__ 12:10)

What is 2 Kings?


Let me tell you about this king. He was a tremendous king, folks, really fantastic. Built this incredible empire in Babylon, one of the greatest—believe me. He had a dream, an amazing dream, and no one could figure it out except Daniel, who was just terrific. But then he got a little too big for his britches, lost his mind for a bit—sad! But he bounced back stronger than ever. Incredible story, just amazing.

Who is The Greatest King, and I mean, absolutely terrific, folks, King Nebuchanezzar?


The meaning of Christmas's Korean name..

What is "born to achieve"?