This girl can have Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Turner syndrome
Corneal clouding and high GAGs
Lateral decubitus with inflated dependent lung
Foreign body
Pinpoint pupils and no breathing low heart rate and hardly speaking
Areflexia, ataxia and ophthalmoplegia
Miller Fisher syndrome
This boys likes to come to retreats
William syndrome
Leukodystrophy with U fiber affected
Canavan disease
progressive neck swelling and low C1 esterase inhibitor
Hereditary angioedema
Lethargy with discs hyperemia and severe acidosis
patient can't see, can't walk and can't pee
NMO (aquaporin 4)
This baby with an earlobe crease can't keep his sugar normal
Beckwith Wiedemann
Addison disease with high VLCFA
Fever and drooling with a "hot potato" voice
Procedural sedation went too deep he now has bradypnea, poor breathing and is asleep
Don't breathe fast, so the event goes away, listen to your mom and minimize screen time each day
Absence epilepsy
I have a leukemia but I'll be fine
It's usually transient and very benign
Down syndrome
I love Ramadan but don't ask me why
I don't fast it cause if I do I'll die
intense crying with red currant jelly stool
When I'm intoxicated potassium will kill me, my heart rate goes down unless you will give me...
Tongue fasciculations and areflexia, excellent language and social development
Don't bend over even if I comply
My vessels will rupture and I will certainly die
Ehler Danlos syndrome
I lose my hair and have seizures
my skin is so dry despite the moisturizers
Biotinidase deficiency
Droopy eyes and constipation, weak swallowing and begs for intubation
Infantile botulism
I'm seizing like crazy and they can't stop me, what special treatment you think will help
Acute stroke in a child with NF1
MoyaMoya syndrome