Name one pro to using records
Music sounds more warm, you own the music, the artist makes the profit
Name one pro to using cassette tapes
It was portable, smaller
Name one pro to using CDs
You could buy blank CDs and make your own playlists, easier to store/travel with, better sound
Name one pro to using iPods
They are more portable, can fit a lot of songs on them, better sound, you can now purchase single songs rather than an entire album
Which music listening device was the first to be put into cars/be portable?
Cassette tapes
Name one con to using records
They are not portable, expensive
Name one con to using cassette tapes
You need to buy new music/new device
Name one con to using CDs
Easily scratched/fingerprints, you need to buy a new device
Name one con to iPods
They are EXPENSIVE, illegal software creates viruses, you still need to buy CDs/music to put onto the device
What is the name of the first listening device created?
The phonograph
What replaced the vinyl record?
Cassette tapes
What replaced the cassette tape?
What replaced CDs?
How many songs could the original iPod hold?
What year did the first iPod come out?
Describe how a record works
A needle is placed onto the record and the grooves in the PVC rubber go through the needle into the speakers
What is the portable device called that plays cassette tapes?
A walkman
What is the portable device called that plays CDs?
A walkman
Which iPod is still in production?
The iPod touch
What is the old term for a playlist?
A mixtape
What did records USED to be made out of (apparently)
Describe how a cassette tape actually works
The music is on a film paper that turns in a case/walkman to play
What does CD stand for?
Compact discs
What is the name of the program that illegally downloaded MP3 music?
How much did a CD/cassette tape cost?