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Video Games

The early way to connect to the Internet.

What is a dial-up? It required a phone line to operate, so phone calls couldn't be made using a landline while the Internet was in use!


This allows devices to connect to the internet wirelessly within a particular area.

What is Wi-fi? Wireless fidelity.


The word computer was first assigned to.

What is a human that performs calculations or computations?


Founder of Microsoft.

Who is Bill Gates?


In this online game, you play as a “champion” and try to destroy an opposing team’s “nexus”.

What is League of Legends?


The most popular first portable music device in the 1980s.

What is the walkman? The original portable music device allowed people to take their entertainment with them on the go.


A way people in different places can “talk” to each other by typing their words into a computer?

What is a chat? Real-time communication.


Known to many as "Father of the Computer", this man invented the concept of the digital programmable computer

Who is Charles Babbage?


This company makes some of the highest quality expensive tech, and unique on its own.

What is Apple Inc.?


2017 popular game where you use weapons and guns.

What is Fortnite?


The first portable gaming system Nintendo made.

What is the Game & Watch? In 1980, Nintendo released a collection of handheld devices, each dedicated to playing just one or two simple games and, occasionally, doubling as a clock.


A satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object

What is GPS? Global Positioning System.


The name of the first computer.

What is the ENIAC computing system?


He is the co-founder and CEO of Facebook and owns the majority of shares in the company.

Who is Matt Zuckerberg?


Best selling console of all time.

What is PlayStation2?


The first consumer-level analog video recording on tape cassettes.

What is VHS? (short for Video Home System)


The brain behind Amazon Echo, she can turn on your thermostat or tell you who won a medieval battle.

What is Alexa? Virtual assistant.


The first computer programmer.

Who is Ada Lovelace?


Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

Who are the founders of Google?


In Minecraft, the amount of hearts a llama has.

What are 15 hearts for health? This gives a llama 15 and 30 health points (because 1 heart = 2 health points).


The Motorola Dyna-Tac was the first one of these invented by Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973.

What is the cellphone? The first hand-held mobile phone.


The graphic components used in movies allowing professionals the ability to create action shots not otherwise possible.

What is CGI? Computer Generated Image.


Movie actress and inventor of the first wireless communications (wi-fi).

Who is Hedy Lamar?


Mathematician, computer scientist, cryptanalyst, widely considered to be the Father of Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Who is Alan Turing?


This system brought Microsoft into the gaming world.

What is Xbox?