History and Background
Case Study

The Marshall Plan was a program of economic aid provided to ______ after WW2. 

Western Europe.


What is the english translation of "Neodesarrollismo" and where was it implemented?

The translation is "Neo-Developmentalism" and it was implemented in Argentina from 2003- 2015.


What were the early objectives of state-led development? 

To build domestic industries and reduce dependency on global aid and trade. 


Neodesarrollismo is a hybrid economic approach that fused _____ and ______ elements.

Populist and Neoliberal elements. 

During the revival of state-led development, the World Bank shifted it's approach an acknowledged the need for targeted state intervention in areas like:

Healthcare, education, and environmental protection.  


Neodesarrollismo had the state play two distinct roles. What are they?

A redistributive role focused on social justice and financial equity, and a regulatory role focused on state industry and adopting stable and competitive real exchange rate.


Structural adjustment programs (SAPs) enacted by the World Bank and IMF emphasized these 3 goals for developmental states: 

Privatization, Market Liberalization, and Fiscal Austerity.


Christopher Wydle argues that developmental success of a state is dependent on a dynamic interplay of _____, ______, and _______. 

State capacities, social relations, and global forces.


What are three core features of developmental states?

Active and prominent state role, technocratic bureaucracy, and Public-Private Collaboration.  


Towards the end of Neodesarrollismo, policy measures were enacted to combat energy dependency and hyper inflation. What were they?

The renationalization of YPF, an oil company, was done to combat energy dependency, and there were restrictions on foreign exchange and imports to stabilize finances.