Name three majors!
Three out of: Art, Cooking, D&D, Drama/Movie Making, Outdoor Adventure, Sports, Magic, STEM
What PvP fighting game is Mr. White a fan of and pretty decent at?
Super Smash Bros
This is the name of the building where the Seniors and Elites lived last year
Name 3 of your staff members from last summer
Answers will vary based on division (Staff will confirm)
Finish this camp phrase!
"Quack Quack, _____ _____!"
Answer: Duck Check!
Three of the following: Nockamixon State Park, Dorney Park, Arnold's Fun Center, Jenkinson's Beach, Kutztown Folk Festival, Iron Pigs Game
What is Reema's go-to Wawa order?
An Iced Matcha Green Tea
Which divisions lived in Kriebel last summer?
Juniors, Inters, and Centers
Who goes by "the Supreme Arbiter of the Mound"
Name a Sunday Sundae Sunday topping available for your Sundae on Sunday Sundae Sunday
Brian and Artrice will confirm
Name two activities that were available at the Boy Scout Camp Trip?
Rock wall, leather crafts, fishing, archery, water games, stackable logs, etc.
What wearable item is Artrice not allowed to bring to camp per his contract?
Oakley's Sunglasses
Where was Flapjack's office this summer?
What is Mr. White's first name?
What animal was on Jeremiah and Braden's hats this summer?
Name the game Brian and Artrice played before the start of Evening Meeting
Stump the Director
What degree has staff member Hannah been working on? (Which she will have finished up this summer!)
A degree in Communications
What is the name of the building where the talent show and Art Program happen?
Kehs Hall
Name one of our program directors from last summer
Erica or Ashley
There was a drawing on the windshield of the nursing golf cart. What was the drawing of?
(Nurse Allison's) Dog!
Bonus 100 Points: What is the name of Nurse Allison's Dog?
What is the last and most expensive cheese served at Cheese Appreciation Night?
Drunken Goat Cheese
What is the mini-fridge in Brian's basement for? (Hint: it is a food item)
Pie (The Pie Fridge)
What is the official name of the middle school, where STEM and Brian, Reema, and Erica's offices are?
Hint: the name was on the wall in the lobby right outside Reema's office
George K. Allison Middle School (Hollenach Middle School is also acceptable)
Correct answers (one): Lyssa, Tank, Devon
Name one of the group ducks that went out (yes, they had names)
Mildred OR Mallard