John saw this appear in heaven at the very beginning of Ch 12.
What is a great sign?
God calls His people to stay faithful in the face of cruelty and lies.
What is the lesson 17 Main Truth?
The means of escape given to the woman.
What are two wings of a great eagle?
The three animals used to describe the beast.
What is leopard, bear and lion?
The two animals used to describe the second beast.
What are lamb and dragon?
The three significant symbolic characters in Ch. 12.
Who are the woman, her son and the enormous red dragon?
God waits for sinners to turn to Him - even those who persecute His people.
What is God's attribute of patience?
This spewed from the dragon's mouth to sweep away the woman.
What is water?
The three things the dragon gave the beast.
What is his power, throne and great authority?
Three things the second beast was given power to do.
What are made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, perform great signs, deceived the inhabitants of the earth?
These represented the dragons might and authority.
What are the seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns?
Jesus, the Savior of the world, patiently endured great suffering to save sinners.
What is the lesson 17 Gospel Connection?
The place prepared for the woman to be cared for.
What is the wilderness?
The identifying feature on one of the beast's heads.
What is a fatal wound?
The results of refusing to worship the image of the first beast.
What is death?
The baby who would one day "rule the nations with an iron scepter" symbolizes this person.
Who is Jesus?
How can people know how to please God if they are born sinful?
What is the lesson 17 Basic Truth?
The exact words describing how long the woman would be cared for.
What is "a time, times and a half a time?"
Those who worshiped the beast.
Who are "all the inhabitants of the earth - all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's book of life"?
The only way people can buy or sell.
What is receive the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead?
The primary truth illustrated by God snatching up the child to heaven and providing a safe place for the woman.
What is the Main Truth: God rescues His people from Satan's Power?
"All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast -- all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world," Rev. 13:8.
What is the lesson 17 memory verse?
The dragon reacted this way to God protecting the woman.
What is he "went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring?"
What are patient endurance and faithfulness?
The protection Christ-followers have.
What is seal of the Holy Spirit?