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Rev 20 is divided into events that take place within and after the thousand years. What takes place within the thousand years?

The dragon is locked up in the abyss, Rev 20:1-3


What blessing do those who participate in the first resurrection recieve?

The souls of the martyrs and those who overcome and did not receive the mark of the beast that is those who are sealed and belong to God


What are five things that must be accomplished in oneself in order to enter into the first resurrection with the Lord in Rev 20?

Be born of God's seed, Beharvested, Be sealed, Be registered in the 12 tribes of the New nation, Marriage of Sp. and Flesh in Rev 19


What's your fav tv show?

I'm adding that to my list!


Where does the first resurrection take place?

The spirits and flesh of the wedding banquet of the Lamb Rev 19


In Rev 20:12 WHat is the "book of life" that was opened next to the opened books before God's throne?

The registry of heaven that is the church registry of the SCJ 12 tribes where the HWO is


Which celebrity do you want to evangelize to? 

With lots of prayers, it can be done!


What takes place after the thousand years? Include a ref verse for both. 

The First resurrection where the spirits and flesh become one, Rev 20:4-6, Judgment, eternal life, eternal punishment Rev 20: 7-15 


What is the obj. of the NT (NC)? Include one ref verse

Living eternally in the place where God reigns, Rev 19:6


If you could work in any department, which would you choose and why?

Great choice!


What is your favorite SSN Story?

That was so sweet!!!!

Who participates in the first resurrection of Rev 20:6?

The souls of the martyrs and those who overcome and did not receive the mark of the beast that is those who are sealed and belong to God


What two things come to exist?

God's reign, the creation of a Nk and Np


What is their result? Include ref verses for each answer 

Thrown into the lake of fire the second death (Rev 20:14)


In the NT, what two things pass away?

The world of the former heaven, the dragon


In Rev 20:13, WHo are the dead that the sea gives up? 

These that died in the world (Dn 7:3,17)


What chapter of Rev do you enjoy testifying to?

Nice pick!!

What's one way you want God to use you for the remainder of this year?

It's not too late to achieve this!


Write 4 ref chapters the deal with the purpose that God wishes to accomplish in the NT

Rev 7, Rev 14, Rev 19, Rev 20


What family member do you want to bring to God's Kingdom?

Feel the loveee!


What blessing do those who participate on the first resurrection recieve?

Not be harmed by the second death , but become priests of God and Christ and reign for one thousand years.


Who are the dead that death and Hades give up? 

Those who belong to satan rulers of death (Rev 6:8)


When, will God's judgment (verdict of hell) take place on the B,D, and persecutors?

After all of the secrets of heaven in Rev are fulfilled, Rev 20


What is the purpose that God wishes to accomplish in the NT?

To complete the 12 tribes of the promised kingdom, to capture the dragon, and for God to reign.


What is the title of Rev 20?

The first resurrection of the spirits of the martyrs and the living