Meaning of the 7 stars and 7 lampstands(1:20)
What are the angels of the churches and the churches?
Number of Elders and describe their appearance(4:4)
What is 24 and dressed in white robes with crowns of gold on their heads?
Number of Seals and Trumpets(6:1 & 8:6)
What is 7?
God does not give us what our sins deserve, but forgives those who repent & turn to Him.
What is Merciful?
John wept(5:4)
What is John's reaction to no one being found worthy to open the scroll or look inside?
2 of the 7 Churches(2 & 3)
What are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, or Laodicea?
Number of living creatures and describe their appearance(4:7-8)
What is 4 and they had 6 wings and covered with eyes all around even under their wings? (lion, ox, man and flying eagle)
After the death and plagues from the Trumpets did the survivors repent?(9:20)
What is no?
God controls all things. No event, no natural disaster, no person, and not even Satan can stop God’s plans.
What is Sovereign?
Holds the keys of death and Hades(1:18)
Who is Jesus?
Jesus told this Church to wake up(3:2)
What is Sardis?
Time the 2 witnesses were dead until the breath of life from God entered them(11:11)
What is 3 1/2 days?
Color of the Horses revealed from the first 4 seals(6:1-8)
What are white, red, black and pale?
God is never surprised. He knows all things. He knows us even before we are born. He knows what we think, feel, say, and do.
What is Omniscient?
Swept 1/3 of the stars out the sky and flung them to the earth. (12:4)
What is the the red dragon's tail?
Why was Jesus about to spit this Church out of His mouth(3:16)
What is because they were lukewarm, neither hot nor cold? (Laodicea)
Time God allowed the beast to exercise its authority on earth(13:5)
What is 42 months(3 1/2 years)
Powers given to the 4 horseman from the first four seals(6:1-8)
What is to conquer, wage war, create famine, and death.
God has unlimited power, authority, and influence. His power holds the stars in the sky and sustains human lives.
What is Omnipotent?
People that worshipped the beast(13:8)
Who is everyone whose name was not in the Lamb’s Book of Life?
2 churches that didn't receive any rebuke from Jesus
What are Smyrna & Philadelphia?
Time of silence in Heaven when the Seventh seal was broken (8:1)
What is about half an hour?
What was said before the final 3 trumpet blasts(8:13)
What is Woe, Woe, Woe?
We cannot understand God’s thoughts and ways. Thankfully, we can understand all we need to know because He has given us His Word and His Spirit.
What is Incomprehensible?
John's vision took him here after writing the letters to the seven churches(4:1)
What is the Throne Room?