The _ _ _ _ _ tells God's true story of His plan to save sinners
Revealed a red horse
2nd Seal
Everything in thought, word and deed that is contrary to the will of God.
Jesus cares for us like a good shepherd should. He gives us what we need to follow him.
Good Shepherd
God always keeps his word.
True or False: Peter said those who repented and were baptized would receive the Holy Spirit.
Revealed a pale horse
4th Seal
A group of believers who gather together to worship and serve God.
A church (local)
Jesus was a respected teacher. He knows all things. We can learn from Him about life and what is important.
Rabbi / Teacher
God is love and shares His love with his people.
Jesus, the Lamb, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ God's people forever.
Revealed a black horse.
3rd Seal
All believers everywhere throughout all time.
The Church or the The Body of Christ
Jesus came from God and is one with God.
Son of God
God is everywhere and always working on his plan.
Who received a seal from God on their foreheads?
144,000 servants of God
12,000 from each of the tribes of Israel
Revealed souls under a altar.
5th Seal
Strong anger, especially to punish someone who has done great wrong.
Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice so we can be forgiven and cleansed of sin.
Lamb of God
Only Jesus is worthy to save sinners from eternal punishment.
You are W _ _ _ _ _ to take the scroll and to open its seals because you were _ _ _ _ N.
Worthy and Slain
Revealed an earthquake, darkened sun, and red moon.
6th Seal
Large crowd of people.
Jesus helps people clearly see the truth about themselves and about God's love for them. We do not need to feel like we live in darkness.
Light of the World
God controls all things, and planned for the salvation of His people.