Central Idea

What is Robbins' main claim in Revenge of the Geeks?

The characteristics that make students outsiders in high school will benefit them later in life.


What is the meaning of the word bigotry as it is used in paragraph 13?

prejudice, bias, or discrimination. Intolerance of individuals with different opinions than one's own.


What does the word marginalize mean in the context of paragraph 9. 

Traits and characteristics that make a person feel or appear different. 


If the members of a group consider someone a pariah, how do they treat him or her?

A. as a newcomer

B. as a friend

C. as an outsider

D. as a leader

C. as an outsider


What is the most  accurate summary of paragraph 1-5?

The characteristics that cause you to be an outsider in high school will be the same traits that will make you successful later in life. 


Why did Robbins include the following statement in paragraph 14, "That's not to say of course, that popularity in high school necessarily leads to mediocrity or worse in adulthood."

Robbins includes this statement in her argument to show that not only because students are popular in high school mean that they are less likely to be successful.


How can you classify being an outsider according to Revenge of the Geeks.

Being an outsider is not a bad thing. The skills that cause others to ostracize you will benefit you later in life. People who are considered outsiders are more likely to be successful adults. 


What examples can you find that show that the author is in favor of a more integrated society?

* The education landscape would be so much more bearable if students could understand this. And if schools found better ways to nurture kids who reject the in-crowd image.

*The most heartbreaking consequence of this treatment is that tens of thousands of students—imaginative, interesting, impressionable people—think that they have done or felt something wrong.

* It's not enough to merely tell them that in the real world, "it gets better." They need to know before graduation  that being different is not a problem but a strength.


How would you elaborate the reason Robbins included the details about the eighth grade boy who couldn't get a girl.

Robbins included this anecdote to develop her claim that being an outsider has benefits. The boy was very good in school, however he could not get a girlfriend. She included this detail to help persuade the reader by giving a more relatable example than the famous people who succeeded later in life.


Which of the following sentences describes how Robbins developed the reader’s understanding of how being an outsider can be beneficial?

A. "In the adult world, being out is in. “Geek chic” and “nerd merch” are on the rise."

B.  "Students mocked Tim Gunn’s love of making things; now he is a fashion icon with the recognizable catchphrase “Make it work.”

C.  "Adults tend to be mature enough to recognize that there would be no progress—cures for diseases, ways to harness new energy sources—without people who are different. Successful scientists think distinctively."

D. It’s not enough to merely tell them that in the real world, “it gets better.” They need to know before graduation that being different is not a problem but a strength.

C.  "Adults tend to be mature enough to recognize that there would be no progress—cures for diseases, ways to harness new energy sources—without people who are different. Successful scientists think distinctively."