Writing Process
Pre-reading Strategies
Revise and Edit
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what are the 5 steps to the writing process
What is prewrite, write, revise, edit, publish
what is the first thing you should do to a text
What is underline title, predict what the story will be about
What is the acronym you use when editing an essay?
What is C.U.P.S
What are text to text connections
What is when you make a connection to a different book
When we "Read like a Reader", what is the definition of mood?
What is the feeling you get when you read the story.
What are examples of prewriting strategies?
What is circle map, flow map etc
what do you do when you annotate
What is ask questions, make inferences, predict "read like a reader" questions
what does the "S" in C.U.P.S stand for?
What is spelling
What is a text to self connection
What is making a connection from the text to something that happened in your life
What is an example of a text to text connection?
What is group must provide text and example
what is the purpose of the writing process
What is to build a strong essay
What is chunking
What is when you separate sections of the text
What does the acronym C.U.P.S stand for?
What is capitalization, understanding, punctuation, and spelling
What is a text to world connection
What is when you make a connection from the text to something that happened in the world
What type of paper are we writing in class?
What is persuasive
Make a thesis statement for the following prompt: Should backpack searches be implanted at school?
What is students must provide three arguments in one sentenct
what is authors purpose
What is the reason why the author wrote the story
Correct this sentence: What is the question the Writer is trying to answer about there issue?
What is make the W lower case and change there to their
Provide an example to text to self connection
What is group must provide text and make a self connection
What is the difference between expository and persuasive?
What is expository explains information. Persuasive, persuades the reader to do something
provide a thesis statement for the following prompt: Should homework be given to students?
What is proved three arguments in one sentence
what are examples of the three branches of authors purpose
What is group must provide and example of entertainment, persuasive, and informational text
Correct this sentence: Music is a art forme that apears in evry culture in the world.
What is "a" should be "an". take away the "e" on the end of forme (form) add a "p' to make apears (appears) Add and "e" to evry (every)
When we "Read like a Reader", what is a question you can ask yourself when making a connection to the text?
What is What does this remind me of? What does the writer want me to know or be reminded of?
Provide an example for a text to world connection
What is group must come up with an example of text to world connection. Provide text and world connection.