3 Ways To Speak English
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Language Acquisition: Process & Strategies
Language Acquisition: Process & Strategies

Jamila Lysicott spoke about altering her speech based on her audience. What is this an example of? 

style shifting


Paulo Freire felt the educational practice in Brazil was oppressive. To end this he said teachers must engage with their students in "problem posing" education. What did he mean by this and what kind of "practice" did this result in. 

In this environment students become teachers and teachers become students. The result of this is the practice of "freedom"


Through dialogue, the teacher-of-the students and the student-of the teacher ceases to exist and a new term emerges. What is the term and describe the environment

teacher-student with students-teachers.

 In this environment the teacher is no longer merely the one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach. 


What conclusion did McLaughlin want to dispel?

That second-language learning by school-aged children is a longer, harder, more complex process that most... have been led to believe.


Myth 2: What did the Stern, Burstall, and Harley study find? Describe the study and its findings.

17,000 British school children learning French concluded that after 5 years of exposure the French, children having begun instruction at age 11 performed better on proficiency tests than those that began at age 8. The younger children's cognitive and experiential limitations affected their learning. 


What did she say happened to her language.

Her language was stolen. It was raped along with her history.


The author said narration method (with the teacher as narrator) turns the students into containers/receptacles. Describe the learning environment (hint: what skills do the student use?)

this leads the students to record, memorize, and repeat phrases mechanically without understanding what it means. 


The author said arguments based on "authority" are no longer valid. He said to function authority must be on the side of freedom, not against it. Describe this environment.

No one teaches another, nor is anyone self-taught. People teach each other and are mediated by the world.


Under Myth 1, what 2 factors lead to the perception that they acquire new languages more easily. Give example of these factors. 

It may reflect the psychological and social factors which favor the child learner. The may have a higher motivation to learn since they are in situations where they are forced to speak the second language. 


Myth 3: Research indicates that time on task is not the most important factor in language learning. What is? 

Support of the home language is important in providing competency in academic subject material and literacy. 


What kind of "orator" does she describer herself as and what three tongues (places/people)does she speak?

trilingual orator. Her 3 tongues are home, school, friends 


The author said knowledge emerges only through ___________ and through __________. What else is required

invention and re-invention and through restless, impatient, continuing , hopeful inquiry. It also requires interacting with the world and with each other. 


How will this new education model help students deal with problems. 

They will feel increasingly challenged and obliged to respond to the challenge and in turn feel committed.


Myth 1 How do children and adults daily language situations differ. 

Adults may get through a workday needing only a very limited English vocabulary and away from work associate with friends who speak their language. children have to use English at school every day and feel the need to make friends with children who do not speak their native language. 


Studies found that an immigran with at least two years of first-language schooling academic English takes a minimun of ___ to ___ years to develop. with no first language schooling, academic English takes a minimum of ___ to ___ years to develop

5 to 7 years

7 - 10 years


What advantage does she offer to companies by speaking three tongues.

She can help companies market to consumers because she can tailor her speech to the market they are targeting.


The article stated 10 practices in the "banking education". State 2 of them.

page 89


The author states that education as the "practice of freedom" as opposed to the "practice of domination" denies that man is ___________, __________, __________ and unattached to the world 

abstract, isolated, independent, and unattached to the world.


Younger children (especially if they have not had previous schooling) do not have the necessary literacy skills and background when faced with classroom demands. What skills do they lack?

The lack access to memory techniques and learning strategies that more experienced learners use when acquiring vocabulary, learning grammatical rules, and studying academic content. 


Academic instruction requires a greater language proficiency that does face-to-face communication. What different skills do both of these require.

Academic instruction requires competence with more abstract and disembedded language while face-to-face communication is embedded with context that provides comprehensible input. 


What is her overriding message to the audience

Don't judge me by my tongues.


The author said the banking concept of education must be rejected and be replaced with a problem-posing model. Describe what he meant by "problem posing. 

Poses problems of human beings in their relations with the world.  


The author stated the pursuit of full humanity cannot be carried out in isolation or individualism. What does it require.

fellowship and solidarity


Virginia Collier identified 4 major components of 2nd language learning. What are they?

sociocultural processes, language development, academic development, and cognitive development


ESL programs have shown that __________ experiences when learning a second language is key to acquisition. In addition, successful programs value  a child's _______ ______ and _________

meaningful experiences

home language      culture