positive charge
what is proton
goes horizontal
what periods
given off with fire works
what is light
has no nucleus
what is prokaryotic
what is muscular
negative charge
what is an electron
goes vertical
what is groups
given off with temperature
what is thermal
has a nucleus
what is eukaroytic
what is the nervous sytem
no charge
what is a neutron
the m in APE MAN
What is mass?
gives off a smell
what is odor
powerhouse of the cell
what is the mitochondria
largest organ
what is skin
contains electrons
what is the electron cloud
A in Ape Man
What is Atomic number
gives off bubbles
what is gas
cell wall
what is a plant cell
transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
what is the circulatory system
contains protons and neutrons
what is the nucleus?
Name of group 18
What is noble gases?
2 liquids mixed and a solid is formed
what is a precipitate
cell membrane
what is an animal cell
exchanges carbon dioxide and oxygen between the blood and the environment
what is the respiratory system