Science and Motion
Newton's Laws
Momentum/Energy/ And...
Circular Motion, Gravitation, and Friction
Which of these is a scientific hypothesis? a. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter. b. the universe is surrounded by a second universe, the existence of which cannot be detected by scientists. c. Albert Einstein was the greatest physicist of the twentieth century.
Only a. because there is a test for wrongness.
What is an example of Newton's second law affecting human life? a. An airplane cruises at a constant altitude and speed. b. A physics student pushes a lawnmower at a constant velocity. c. A bicyclist uses a scientifically designed bike to reduce wind drag. d. A person sits on a table.
What is C. A bicyclist uses a scientifically designed bike to reduce wind drag.
54) If an astronaut took a rocket ship to Mars what would change? A. Width of astronaut B. Mass of astronaut C. Height of astronaut D. Weight of astronaut
What is D. Weight
You want to know the acceleration of an elevator when it starts to move up to the next floor. Which of the following could you use to measure the acceleration of the elevator? a. a bathroom scale b. a balance c. meter stick d. stop watch
What is a
Two electrical charges (Q1 and Q2) are separated by a distance d. How would the electrostatic force change if Q2 was doubled and d was also doubled?
Force would be 1/2 as strong.
Four cities all lie along a straight line as shown in the diagram. A delivery driver departs from City B, drives to City D, and then Drives to City A. The total time for the trip is 0.70 hours. What is driver's displacement and what is average speed of the trip? A--------B----------C---------D 5 mi 7 mi 9 mi
displacement - 5mi speed -- total distance/time = 37/.7= 52.9 mi/hr
Question #12
What is C
See question 72
What is C.
You would like to measure the amount of friction present when sliding a block across the floor. Which of the following instruments would be most helpful in measuring the friction? A. Triple beam balance B. Smart pulley C. Photogate D. Spring scale E. Meter stick
What is E. meter stick
Scientists know that waves can interfere constructively and destructively. How has this understanding has affected our lives? a. the creation of sound recorders b. the creation of noise canceling technologies c. the creation of rooms with louder echoes d. the creation of sound transmitters
What is C. Noise canceling
See question 8
Answer is Ball A moves slower than Ball B
See question 13.
B. Acceleration = 0 m/s2
73) What is the type and amount of energy in a wrecking ball weighing 100 pounds suspended 100 feet above the ground? A. Accumulative energy of 1,000 lbs/ft B. Floatational energy of 1,000 lbs C. Kinetic energy of 5,000 ft. lbs D. Potential energy of 10,000 ft. lbs E. Weight energy of 10,000 lbs
What is D.
46) Two balls with different masses are dropped at the same time from the roof of the school. You observe that both balls hit the ground at the same time. What can you hypothesize about the air resistance acting on each ball? A. It is the same on both balls B. It is larger on the more massive ball C. It is larger on the less massive ball D. It is different, but there is no way to tell which is greater
What is B. It is larger on the more massive ball.
The __________ of a sound determines its loudness. A. amplitude B. resonance C. timbre D. frequency
What is A. amplitude
See question 6
What is C.
40) Which of the following is an example of Newton’s 3rd law? A. An elevator pulls on a cable and a person pushes on the elevator. B. An elevator pushing on a person and gravity pulling on the elevator. C. An elevator pulls on the cable and the cable pulls the elevator. D. An elevator pushes on a person and the elevator pulls on a cable.
What is C. Elevator pulls on cable and cable pulls on elevator.
78) How does the production of electrical energy affect environmental issues directly related to human life? A. Creating a dam floods a canyon, displacing the residents. B. Central air conditioners can leak freon if not properly maintained. C. Wood-burning stoves used to heat buildings pollute the air. D. Boy Scouts camping destroy the environment for other campers.
What is A.
According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, what will have a greater affect on the gravitational force? A. An increase in m1 B. A decrease in m2 C. An increase in d D. A decrease in G
What is C. An increase in d
A sound wave travels at 343 m/s and a compression passes by every 12 ms. What is the wavelength of this sound? A. 1 m B. 2 m C. 3 m D. 4 m
What is D. 4m wavelength = velocity/ frequency. Frequency is 1/12ms = 83 Hz
An airplane drops a rescue pack to a group of stranded hikers. What type of path do the hikers observe that the packet follows? a. The packet falls straight down vertically from the plane b. The packet takes a straight diagonally downward path c. The packet flies horizontally with the plane for a time and then falls diagonally downward d. The packet falls downward in a parabola-shaped path
D. Parabola-shaped path.
Which of Newton's Three Laws does the following statement satisfy? The relationship between an object's mass (m), its acceleration (a), and the applied force F is F=ma. Acceleration and force are vectors. This law requires that the direction of the acceleration vector is in the same direction as the force vector. A: Newton's First Law B: Newton's Second Law C: Newton's Third Law D: All of the above
What is B.
Question 83
What is A.
See question 16
What is D.
See question 93
What is C. 55 degrees