How do you say "The numbers" in french?
Les nombres
What does "Quelle heure est-il?"
What time is it?
How do you say "my mom" in french?
Ma mere
How do you say food in french?
La nourriture
How do you say "To bike"
faire du velo
How do you say five in french?
What does "Quelle est la date d'aujourd'hui?"
What is today's date?
How do you say "my dad" in french?
Mon pere
How do you say bread in french?
Le pain
How do you say "to play video games"
Jouer aux jeux videos
How do you say twenty in french?
How do you say what is today's date in french?
Quelle est la date d'aujourd'hui?
How do you say my sister in french?
ma soeur
How do you say apple in french?
La pomme
How do you say "to read"
What are the numbers from 1 through 10?
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
How do you ask what is it in french?
Quelle heure est-il?
How do you say my brother in french?
mon frere
How do you say seafood in french?
Les fruits de mer
How do you say "to dance"
What are the numbers from 10 through 15?
dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze
How do you say Today is April 29
Aujourd'hui, c'est vingt-neuf Avril.
How do you say family in french?
How do you say "I like to eat apples"
J'aime manger des pommes
How do you say "I like to sing"
J'aime chanter