¿What is the topic of unit 1?
Are you really my friend?
what is topic of unit 2
what a story
whats is the topic of unit 3
like skills
what is the topic of unit 4
What is the topic of unit1
what is te topic of Unit 2
ill never forgot that day
what is the topic of unit 2
what is the topic of unit 4
living on water
what is the first activitie of unit 1 about
vocabulary and speaking
what is te fisrt activite of unit 2 about
vocabulary and reading
what is the first activite of unit 3 about
vocabulary and listening
what is the first activite of unit 4 about
vocabulary and speaking
what is the first activitie on the page of unit 1
what is the first activite on the page of unit 2
describing past experiences
what is the first activite on the page of unit 3
challenges and success
what is the first activite on the page of unit 4
living on water
what activite ends unit 1 with
asking for and giving opinions
what activite ends unit 2
showing interest
what activite ends unit 3
compouns adjetives
what activite ends unit 4
idiomamtic phrases about places