What is a variable
3 parts of a variable
A variable is used to store data to be used and manipulated later
visibility / type /name
"2" == 2 True or False
Unity is based on what language?
What is Unity
Unity is a game engine built on C#
Why do we use functions
To simplify and modularize our code to make our codebase cleaner and effective
What is the result of X :
y = 0
x = 1;
y += x
x += y
What is a Scene, Hierarchy, Assets
Scenes are levels Hierarchy are all assets inside a scene and Assets are the objects/data
What country has the best competitive programmers?
China / Russia
How does AI movement work?
Utilizing NavMesh Agent to calculate potential and allowed areas of traversal.
Getting player data and using previous ^^ to move towards player
How does movement work and inside what function should you put any repeating logic inside
When key is pressed ( use vector3 functions to move )
inside update
What are the colliders used for
To detect collision between objects
What country has the highest NUMBER of programmers
(T and T) or (T or F) and F is what T/F
T or T and F
T and F
What is the difference between Object / Class/ Prefab
Classes describe what something does/looks like/ interactions
Objects are clones and physical represensations of classes.
Prefabs are Objects in its entirety. Looks/Scripts/componenets etc.
Prefabs / objects can be used interchangebly in unity
Using the Rigidbody component
1 = ?
0 = ?
BONUS: 1011 = ?
True, False
Inheritance is taking the properties of the parent and utilizing it in the child. This is important because, it reduces unnecasary duplicate code as well as making sense of how objects are related to each other
Shootenemy and basic enemy
What is the difference between a local and a global variable. Whats the difference between that and Public/private
Local variables are only used within its functions and global is used within its entire class.
Public is used for accessing the data outside of the class while private restricts it to be used inside its own class.
How do we access any collision events in the code?
Using OncollisionEnter()
Using OnTriggerEnter()
What year was Unity Made?