Prepositions of Place
Giving Directions
Some & Any
Countable and Non countable

Mention 5 prepositions of place:

(20 seconds)

behind, next to, in front of, under, between,


Mention 3 examples of giving directions.

(20 seconds)

Go along/ straight, turn left, turn right, on the corner of


What is the difference between some and any?

(20 seconds)

Some is used for affirmative.

Any is used for negative and questions.


What is the difference between countable and non countable nouns?

(25 seconds)

Countable nouns, you can count them.

Uncountable, you cannot count them


Mention 5 types of drink.

(20 seconds)

Coffee, juice, soda, water, beer.


Complete the following sentences.

in front of  - around - behind - between

1.The board is always _____________ of the students. 

2. My friend sits ____________ me.

(20 sec)

1. in front of

2. behind


What is the mistake?

1. You go straight in Carranza street on 3 blocks.

(20 seconds)

1. on / for


When can you used some in questions? Mention at least two of the exceptions

(20 seconds)

You can use some in questions 

- when you are asking for something, or

- when you offer something.


Mention 5 things that are countable.

(20 seconds)

Students, chairs, doors, cars, notebooks.


Complete the following sentences:

In the afternoon we eat 1)___________ and in the morning we eat 2)_____________.

(20 seconds)

1) lunch

2) breakfast


Complete the following sentences using: in, on and at.

1. Is she  _____ the airport?

2. The school is __________ Madero street.

3. We live ___________ the city.

(20 seconds)

2. on

3. in


Find the mistakes

1. The stationary store is in the corner on Colosio and Independencia.

2. You go under the stairs and then you go turn left. 

(25 seconds)

1. at / of

2. down / turn left (without go)


Complete the following sentences:

1. Do you need __________ food from the supermarket?

2. I need ________ coffee and suger, please. 

3. I don't have _______ money left.

(20 seconds)

1. any 2. some 3. any


Complete the following sentences using some, a, an:

1.There is _______ onion on the table.

2.I want to eat ______________ pizza.

3.She doesn't like to drink _________ beer.

(20 seconds)

1. an

2. some

3. a


Mention 12 vegetables and fruits

(35 seconds)

peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, chilli peppers, lettuce, bananas, strawberries, apples, oranges, watermelons, melons, grapes, pineapple, etc.


Complete the following sentences:

between, among, next to, around, in front of, behind

1. The cafeteria is ___________ the library and the XXV aniv. building.

2. The cafeteria is __________ to the library.

3. Building 4 is ___________ the cafeteria.

4. Building 5 is ___________ building 4. 

(30 seconds)

1. between

2. next to

3. in front of

4. behind


Find the mistakes.

Go for straight on three blocks, then you turn right. The clothing store is between the museum and it are across of the police station. 

(30 seconds)


Go straight for... The clothing store is behind... or between the museum and the park... it is across from... 


Complete the following sentences:

1. Would you like __________ water, sir?

2. Can I have ________ beer, please?

3. I'm sorry, we don't have __________ alcoholic drink. (20 seconds)

1. some

2. some

3. any


Mention 10 things that are uncountable.

(25 seconds)

Milk, juice, water, bread, yoghurt, chicken, fish...


Mention 6 cooking utensils: 

(30 seconds)

apron, frying pan, rolling pin, knife, whisk, fork, spoon, etc.


Describe what it is around your house using prepositions. Use at least 4 of them.

(40 seconds)

Behind my house there is a park. Next to the park there is a police station. In front of my house...


How can I get to the cafeteria?

(40 seconds)

You go out of the classroom, then you turn... you go down the stairs, you go straight...


Give 4 examples using some and any.

1 in affirmative, another negative, another question and the last one using some in a question.

(30 seconds)

I want some chocolate.

She doesn't like any vegetable.

Do you have any milk?

Can I have some suggar?


Make the following uncountable nouns into countable:

Pizza, Chocolate, Sugar, Fish, Beer, Cereal, Juice, Cake, Pasta, Coffee

(40 seconds)

A slice of..., a bar of..., a bag of..., a steak of..., a can of..., a bowl of..., a glass of..., a piece of... , a bag of..., a cup of...


Mention 12 places that you can find in your neighborhood or close where you live. 

(40 seconds)

Drugstore, school, cinema/movie theater, stadium, bus station, coffee shop, restaurant, hospital, police station, grocery store, convenience store, supermarket, department store, post office.