Look at diagram 3B. Make a food chain ( with 3 organisms) that describes a path of energy flow through the food wed.
What is Plant - hare- cougar
Which materials would be best for a wall that is designed to absorb sound waves? a. tile b. carpet c. foam blocks d. sheets of wood
What is foam blocks and carped
What happens to a beam of light as it is transmitted from a gas to a liquid?
What is refract
Look at diagram 3C. Which day did the train travel the shortest distance?
What is Monday
What is moonlight?
What is sunlight reflecting off the moon
Look at diagram 3B. If the snake population decreases, what will happen to the grasshopper population?
What is decrease
What materials is the best to reflect sound? a. tile b. fabric c. marble d. animals
What is tile and marble
What medium can light travel through that sound can't
What is vacuum
A ball is rolling down a hill. Which action would slow the ball down? A. adding a force in the same direction B. reducing the amount of friction C. adding another force in the opposite direction D. rolling another ball down the hill
What is letter C
How long does it take Earth to make one revolution?
What is 365 days or a year
Look at diagram 3B. Which consumer(s) receives energy directly from a producer?
What is grasshoppers and mice
When you yell at a drum with salt on the top of the drum, why does the salt bounce?
What is sound vibrations transfer through the air to the drum
Tom placed four different cups of sand at different locations in his bedroom. After two hours, which cup will most likely have the highest temperature?
What is cup in location that has the most amount of sunlight.
Look at diagram 3D. If he plans to study the relationship between the weight of the cart and its speed, what else does Will need?
What is a way to apply the same amount of force
What kind of orbit does Earth have around the Sun?
What is elliptical
What type of symbiotic relationship is it when both organisms benefit?
What is mutualism
What kind of frequency do higher pitch sounds have
What is higher
Why is water in a swimming pool warmer after sunlight has been shining on it all day?
What is the water has absorbed some of the light
Look at diagram 3E. Which way is the metal block going to move?
What is up
Look at diagram 3F. Draw Earth and mark with an X where point X will most likely be 12 hours later.
What is opposite side
Which of the following organisms receives at least some energy from plants? A. deer B. coyotes C. rabbits D. snakes
What is deer, coyotes, rabbits, snakes
You have three blocks the same size and shape. One block is made of wood, another of metal and the last out of plastic. You hit all three blocks with the same mallet and force, how will the sounds be different?
What is different pitches
Give an object that can refract light
What is prism
Two people are each pulling on the opposite ends of a rope. If they are pulling on the rope with equal but opposite forces, what will happen to the rope?
What is the rope will not move
Give 3 objects besides the planets that revolve around the sun?
What is asteroids, comets, and meteoroids