Mineral & Resources
Mineral Exploration & Mining
Mining Regulation and Reclamation

________ is the short-term state of the atmosphere at a moment, while _________ is the long-term pattern of weather over years.

What is... weather and climate?


Excessive exposure to UV radiation due to ozone depletion can increase the risk of this type of cancer in humans

What is .... skin cancer?


A naturally occurring, usually inorganic solid that has a characteristic chemical composition, and an orderly internal structure.

What is a ... Mineral?


This method of mining involves the removal of overlying rock and soil to access mineral deposits near the surface.

What is ... surface mining?


Name an animal species that lives in abandoned mines

What is ... bats


Caused by a 23.5o tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the sun

What is... Seasons?


 This region over Antarctica experiences a severe depletion of ozone during certain times of the year.

What is ... the ozone hole?


________ conduct electricity, have shiny surfaces, and are opaque, while ________ are good insulators 

What is ... metals and nonmetals?


This type of mining involves digging shafts and tunnels deep underground to access mineral deposits.

What is ....subsurface mining?


name two potential environmental impacts of mining

What is...

air and noise pollution, water contamination, wildlife displacement, erosion and sedimentation, soil degradation, subsidence, and underground fires


Why do different parts of the Earth have different climates?

What is...

Variations in solar energy received. 

Influenced by factors such as latitude, atmospheric circulation patterns, oceanic circulation patterns, local geography, solar activity, and volcanic activity. 


What is the main function of the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere?

What is ... absorbing and filtering out harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun?


Minerals that are valuable and economical to extract

What is... ore mineral?


This emerging form of mining explores mineral deposits found in the ocean floor, often using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and specialized equipment.

What is... undersea mining?


The process of returning land to its original or better condition after mining is completed

What is ... Reclamation?


The trapping of heat by gases in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, leading to an increase in global temperatures

What is ... the greenhouse effect?


This human-made chemical, commonly found in refrigerants and aerosol propellants, is primarily responsible for ozone depletion.

What is ...chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)


Hot, subsurface waters that contain dissolved minerals

What is... hydrothermal solutions?


Crushed ore is melted at high temperatures in furnaces to separate impurities from molten metal.

What is ... smelting?


The sinking of regions of the ground with little or no horizontal movement

What is... subsidence?


An international agreement aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, adopted in 1997

What is...  the Kyoto Protocol?


This international agreement, aimed at phasing out the production of ozone-depleting substances, has contributed to the gradual recovery of the ozone layer.

What is the... Montreal Protocol?


minerals with no commercial value extracted from the host rock

What is ... gangue minerals?


This type of mineral deposit forms when valuable minerals are eroded from their original source and transported by water, settling in riverbeds or on beaches.

What are placer deposits?


This regulation requires mining companies to reclaim land after surface mining operations are complete, restoring it to a condition similar to its pre-mining state.

What is ....the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA)?