Making and Maintaining Conversation
Getting Helpful Feedback
Picking Appropriate Topics
Expressing Feelings

What is the acronym for making and maintaining conversation?

  1. IDEA

  2. TRU 

  3. OPERS

  4. LAD



What is the acronym for getting helpful feedback?

  • L: Listen; give attention and stay calm

  • A: Acknowledge; thank them for the advice

  • D: Decide; decide if it is something you need to change


What category do teachers, clinicians, doctors, and ILAs belong to?

1) Close friends

2) Casual Friend

3) Helping professionals

4) Strangers 


Helping professionals 


What is the acronym for expressing feelings?

T- Think about how you feel. 

R- Remind yourself to stay in control. 

U- Use appropriate words and actions to tell someone how you feel. 


Complete the idiom:

“Lily had a great morning. She had a huge donut for breakfast and got to work on time. She started her day off...

A) on the right foot

B) feeling blue

On the right foot


What is the third step of OPERS?

  • Engage & Connect

    • Main part of the conversation

      • Stick to the 6 WH questions

      • Add comments & opinions


What is another name for helpful feedback?

  1. Negative comments

  2. Constructive criticism

  3. Happy feedback

  4. Not very helpful advice 

Constructive criticism


Rachel is upset because of a recent breakup with her significant other. Who would be an appropriate person to talk to about this?

Close friend, possibly helping professional, family


What are some ways you are able to calm yourself down?


Deep breathing

Watching relaxing videos


Complete the idiom:

“Emily and Katie are best friends. They go everywhere together. They both like to read books and drink coffee. They are like.......

A. Two peas in a pod

B. Feeling blue

Two peas in a pod


“I am so glad I ran into you! I wanted to ask you a question about an assignment.” What step of OPERS does this quote match with?

P-Preview the Conversation


Your best friend tells you that you would get better grades if you studied more. What would you do? 

1) Let them finish what they are saying and then leave without saying anything. 

2) Calmly listen to their suggestions and then tell them you agree and will try harder. 

3) Get angry and tell them that it is none of their business if you want to fail.

2) Calmly listen to their suggestions and then tell them you agree and will try harder.


Daniel has been very upset about a grade that he got on his last test. While waiting in line for lunch Daniel turns around to the stranger behind him and tells her about how frustrated he is about the test. The stranger is unsure how to respond and replies "oh, okay."

Did Daniel pick an appropriate conversation partner? If no, who would have been appropriate to talk to about his frustration?

No, close friend, helping professional


Provide examples of appropriate people to talk to when you are feeling angry, sad, frustrated etc.

Close friends, helping professionals, family


Which idiom is a way to tell someone to wait, hold on, or stop?

A) Cost an arm and a leg

B) Hold your horses

Hold your horses


Why is it important to maintain a conversation?

  • Shows that you are interested in the other person.

  • Helps with making and maintaining friends 

  • Can help with decision making (depends on the topic)

    • Example: A friend asks if you want to go to an escape room this Saturday, but you have lots of homework. You can ask your friends different WH questions to get more information (i.e., What day, what time, how long, where), to make the decision if you’ll tag along or not.  


What is one pro (or benefit) of getting helpful feedback?

  • It is meant to be helpful

  • It is a good opportunity to improve

  • Helps you improve and get better 

  • It comes from a place of care


When is a good time to have a conversation with your teacher?

A) In the middle of class

B) At the end of the day when the teacher is no longer working. The teacher's shift has ended. 

C) After class while your teacher is in the office with the door open. 

C) After class while your teacher is in the office with the door open.


Your good friend invites someone other than you to go camping with her and her family. 

  1. How might you feel? 

  2. How could you stay in control (calm down)? 

  3. What could you say and do? 

1) Might feel sad, upset

2) Deep breathing

3) Politely let your friend know that you feel left out. Ask if you could go next time. 


Complete the idiom:

Max got his phone stuck behind his desk. His arm was too big to reach the phone and the desk was too heavy to move. He couldn’t call anyone for help. He decided to make a net out of hanger and a shirt. Max was able to get his phone out from behind the desk. Max was...

A) Thinking outside the box

B) Beating around the bush

Thinking outside the box