ROAR Expectations
Identify the emotion

The opposite of a growth mindset is a...

Fixed mindset


The person sitting across from you on the bus keeps saying threatening words to you and even hits you sometimes. You feel scared. What should you do?

Tell a trusted adult about it immediately.


What does ROAR stand for?

Responsibility, Outstanding attitude, Act safely, Respect yourself and others


If something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, confused, or unsure, what should you do?

Talk to a trusted adult about it.


Your friend tells you that her pet iguana died last night. How might she be feeling and what Zone might she be in?

Sad, heartbroken, grief-stricken. Blue zone.


What is another word for a fight or argument between two or more people?



Before taking a test, you think to yourself "I'm just not a good test-taker." How can you change this into a positive thought that uses growth mindset?

Tests are hard for me but I am going to try my best.


How can you show responsibility in the bathrooms?

Washing my hands, turning off water when finished, keeping the bathroom clean


Name two things you can do to calm down when you are frustrated.

Deep breaths, take a break, count to ten, punch/scream into a pillow, kick a ball, use a fidget, play video games, hang out with a friend or pet, write about it, talk to someone about it, etc.


A person in your class is saying rude things to everyone, including you. What you don't know is that this person's dad is away for work for the whole week. How might they be feeling? What Zone might they be in?

Sad, frustrated, annoyed, tired, distracted, lonely, worried, etc. Could be blue zone, yellow zone, red zone.


A visible or invisible rule is called a ...



You are playing soccer at recess and your team loses with a close score. What is the size of this problem? What is an appropriate reaction?

Small problem. Shake hands, say "good game," try again, take a breath, take a break.


How can you have an outstanding attitude at school?

Staying positive, encouraging others, persevering, including others, being a good sport, being patient


Name two test-taking strategies.

Eliminate answers you know don't work, highlight important parts, show your work, etc.


The person at the desk next to yours is staring off into space. Their face is red and they are frowning. Their fists are clenched and they are shaking their leg. Name the emotion and the Zone they might be in.

Angry, furious, agitated. Yellow, going into red zone.

What is empathy?

Feeling how another person might be feeling. Putting yourself in another person's shoes.


Someone is drawing on their desk during silent reading time. What size is this problem? What is an appropriate reaction?

Small sized problem. Ignore them, turn away, focus on your book.


How can you act safely on the bus?

Staying in seat, demonstrating self control, remaining at voice level 1


Name two ways to lower stress and anxiety.

Deep breaths, positive thinking, distract yourself (read, play video games, think about other things), etc.


At lunch, a friend will not stop talking about the new video game they just got. Their eyes are wide, they're smiling, and they're talking louder and faster than usual. How might they be feeling? What Zone might they be in?

Excited, happy, distracted, impatient, proud, etc. Green zone, moving to yellow zone.


What are the three parts to the definition of bullying?

Being mean on purpose, doing it over and over, unequal power levels


A friend constantly calls you a nickname you don't like and gets your other friends to call you it too. What is an example of a boundary you can set with your friends?

When you call me by that nickname, it makes me feel annoyed. If you continue to call me that name, I won't hang out around you anymore.


How can you show respect in the cafeteria?

Respect others' personal space, staying at voice level 2


If you want to read more this year, how can you make that into a specific goal?

I will read 50 books by the end of the school year.


You and your brother are play wrestling and he pushes you into your mom's vase and it crashes onto the floor. You do not know it, but this is a vase that has been in your family for many years. How will your mom feel? Was this inside or outside your circle of control?

Sad, mad, disappointed, frustrated. Inside; if you hadn't been play wrestling in the house, the vase wouldn't have been broken.