
Complete the sentence.

I __________ if you can give me some advice.

wonder/was wondering


Choose the BEST answer.

Noon __________ Golf; she talks about him all the time and smiles whenever she sees him.

A. has really fallen in love with

B. is crazy about

B. is crazy about


Choose the letter of the answer that CANNOT complete the sentence:

"You _____ just tell her the truth."

A. could

B. should

C. ought to

D. must



After realizing they wanted different things in life, Note and Tangmo decided to p.... w...., end on good terms and continue as friends.

part ways


Write the letter of your choice.

We can say "I'd really appreciate your advice" when we:

A. ask for advice

B. give advice

C. react to advice

D. all of the above

A. ask for advice


Choose the option that is the least likely to complete the sentence below:

When Bow said a lot of bad things about my ideas in front of everyone, it felt like she was trying to _____ and ignored my efforts.

A) make fun of me

B) insult

C) boss me around

C) boss me around


In 10 counts, rearrange the scrambled sentence below.

I / work / but / give / know / if / don't / it'll / I'll / it / a try.

I don't know if it'll work, but I'll give it a try.


IF NEEDED, change the underlined vocabulary to make the sentence correct.

After so many fights and misunderstandings, Bank and his friend Mint split up, feeling that they were no longer willing to put up with each other's behavior.

fell out, -


Choose the letter/s of (all) the possible answer/s:

Why is it NOT advisable to give UNSOLICITED ADVICE?

a. It may make someone feel judged, especially when they're unprepared to receive it.

b. It can strain relationships and may not be appreciated by everyone.

c. It solves problems immediately without causing any misunderstandings.

d. Respecting someone's choices means allowing them to solve problems on their own terms.

A, B, D


Write the letter/s of (all) the possible answer/s.

When Beam decided to end their relationship, it seemed like he was going to _____, but later, they managed to _____ and reconcile.

A) break her heart - make up

B) be heartbroken - put up with each other

C) break her heart - be heartbroken

D) break her heart - put up with each other

E) be heartbroken - make up

A, B, D, E