A New Nation Comes to Indian Country
Child Play
Legend Times
Extra Credit

List 3 different "resources" that the Nez Perce used to help them sustain their culture and lifestyle. 

trees, sticks, rocks, dirt, flowers, berries, buffalo, buckskin, lodgepoles, grinding stones, water, honey, twigs and leaves, animals for food (buffalo, deer, fish, rabbits, squirrels)


Little changed in the Indian country in the first years after Lewis and Clark’s journey. The Corps of Discovery had failed to find an easy route to the Pacific and few people wanted to follow their difficult path. But the expedition had put American “boots on the ground” for the first time. In addition, the information it compiled documented a vast new territory ready for national expansion.

 According to this paragraph, What did Lewis and Clark gather that allowed for expansion?

important information about the territory (maps, resources available in the land and where)

"documented a vast new territory ready for national expansion"


What was the reason girls and boys played in the Nez Perce Tribe?

to learn how to be grown-ups


What 4 resources were the Nez Perce reliant on for food?

Big game hunting, plant, fish and game. 


What are the 3 ingredients in pemmican?

dried berries, meat and animal fat


What does the word "expansion" mean?

A. to shrink        B. to grow  

C. to kick out     D. a journey

B. to grow or get bigger


Little changed in the Indian country in the first years after Lewis and Clark’s journey. The Corps of Discovery had failed to find an easy route to the Pacific and few people wanted to follow their difficult path. But the expedition had put American “boots on the ground” for the first time. In addition, the information it compiled documented a vast new territory ready for national expansion.

What does the word expedition mean? Look for Context Clues!



What did boys and girls usually play?

Boys hunted and girls played house


This shift to a more encompassing use of resources was well adapted to the Nez Perce homeland. It enabled the ancestral Nez Perce to develop a much more sedentary lifestyle as evidenced through the emergence of large winter village sites, and the increasing use of semi-subterranean pit houses.

According to the paragraph, what allowed the Nez Perce to shift to a more sedentary lifestyle?

their use of resources


What material did the Nez Perce use to make clothing?


What does the word  replaced mean?

A. To take away from         B. To throw out

C. To steal from someone   D. To take the place of

D. To take the place of


Little changed in the Indian country in the first years after Lewis and Clark’s journey. The Corps of Discovery had failed to find an easy route to the Pacific and few people wanted to follow their difficult path. But the expedition had put American “boots on the ground” for the first time. In addition, the information it compiled documented a vast new territory ready for national expansion.

Why is the bolded sentence important? What does it tell us?

It tells us that it was the first time Americans had explored this new land.


How did children make a travois? What were they used for?

they would take sticks/ poles and tie them together and around the animal to move their belongings


What did the bow and arrow replace 2000 years ago?

the atlal


Why did the Nez Perce dry berries, meats and make pemmican? 

to save them to eat during the winter


How would children make a travois?

They would lash together poles and tie them to an animal


West of the Missouri River that expansion began gradually. A profitable fur trade encouraged outposts and new settlements. After 1850, gold rushes in California, Montana, and Oregon built those remote settlements into towns. Over time, open land attracted settlers. The coming of the railroads completed the transformation of the region. By century’s end, Americans had a new name for the Indian country. They now called it the “West.” This process was not a peaceful one, rather it was punctuated by violence and military conflict.

What was the new name Americans came up with for the Indian Country?

The West


List 3 types of toys that parents and grandparents would make for the children to play with?

baskets, pots, bow and arrows, horses, tipis


Over the last 1,000 years, Nez Perce culture became increasingly reliant on seasonally abundant fish and root resources. As the population grew, large villages located along the Clearwater, Snake, and Salmon Rivers and their tributaries, became the norm.

Why might the Nez Perce be moving their homes along the rivers?

The would move closer to the rivers to be able to access the locally abundant fish and root resources. 

Who did Lewis and Clark report their findings from the expedition to?

Thomas Jefferson 


It enabled the Nez Perce to develop a much more sedentary lifestyle as evidence through the emergence of large winter village sites. 

The word "sedentary" means?

To stay in one place for a long time. 


What attracted settlers to move West?

Gold Rush, Open Land, Profitable fur trades


How did the Nez Perce parents and grandparents feel when the children caught an animal, roasted it over a fire and then had a little feast? Why?

The text says that they were delighted. I think they were delighted because the children were showing the skills they used to become grown ups. 


The Nimiipuu have been part of this land for countless generations. Their traditional homeland occupied nearly 13 million acres in what is today Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The earliest peoples lived in small groups and family units. They were mostly reliant on big game hunting as a primary means of subsistence. Starting around 6,000 years ago, many aspects of the historic Nez Perce way of life began to appear in the region. This included the use of a much broader base of locally abundant plant, fish, and game resources.

This shift to a more encompassing use of resources was well adapted to the Nez Perce homeland. It enabled the ancestral Nez Perce to develop a much more sedentary lifestyle as evidenced through the emergence of large winter village sites, and the increasing use of semi-subterranean pit houses. Over the last 1,000 years, Nez Perce culture became increasingly reliant on seasonally abundant fish and root resources. As the population grew, large villages located along the Clearwater, Snake, and Salmon Rivers and their tributaries, became the norm.

Write a summary sentence about the Nez Perce use of resources based on the paragraphs above.

The Nez Perce relied on locally abundant resources to make the change to a more sedentary lifestyle. 


What lessons could the Nez Perce children learn from listening to the story "Coyote and the Monster?"

The story of Coyote and the Monster taught lessons of:

-Bravery and courage

-cleverness and problem solving


-respect for nature

-oral tradition and cultural identity