How to Read a Text
Central Idea

What do you do with important information in a text

Underline or circle it

What is a summarizing? 
What is... giving a brief restatment in YOUR own words

How do you figure out a new vocabulary word?

Context clues

The point that the author wants you to remember is called? 
What is central idea. 

What is an inference?

An inference is a reasonable guess based on evidence AND prior knowledge


Why do we want to read the questions first?

To know what we need to answer.

True or false, you should include your opinions, beliefs, or judgements in a summary. 
What is... False, summaries are objective.

What does mourned mean in the sentence. “Millions of people around the world mourned the death of the man many called Mahatma, or the Great Soul.”

Grieved: To feel deep sadness

Central idea is also known as...?
The main idea 

What is evidence?

Information from the text


What should you read before starting the text?

Read the questions first.


Summaries should include the central idea, plus two _______________ _____.

What is... supporting details


What does the word "curiosities" mean in the sentence "Carnivals and fairs also used 'rare creatures' to bring in customers. People came to ride rides, play games, and ooh and aah over curiosities like a squid in a jar or a 'unicorn horn.'"?

Strange or unusual objects


Central ideas that can be found in the text are _____________ stated. Meaning you can highlight or underline it. 

What is explicit


Lily's backpack was stuffed with books and papers. Her teacher stood waiting by her desk with a frown.

What can be inferred?

The teacher is waiting for an assignment.


What should we read after the questions?



Lester was lost. He didn't know where he was, or how to get where he was going. He had left the directions at home and he didn't have a map. Now, he was in a strange neighborhood and he was confused. If he could find a familiar landmark, he might figure things out. Summarize the passage. 

What is... Lester was lost. 

What does the word "frigid" mean in the sentence?

"We decided to stay indoors during the frigid winter day, sipping hot cocoa by the fire."

Extremely cold in temperature; very chilly

Most central ideas are not directly stated, meaning they are ______________. You have to make an inference based off what you know and prior back ground knowledge. 
What is implied..

What are the first two steps to making an inference?

1.  Read carefully

2. Look for clues


When you feel overwhelmed what should you do?

Focus on one paragraph at a time. "chunk" it up. Breathe


Many people buy lottery tickets, but not many win. Even fewer give away their prize. Paul Sherman, a fast food assistant manager, won $10,000 in the state lottery and decided to give the money to a youth club. The club's director could not believe Paul's generosity. Paul didn't think it was any big deal. "The kids need it more than I do," he said. Summarize the passage.

What is... One man's generosity 


What does resilient mean in the sentence?

"Despite facing many challenges, the resilient athlete continued to train and improve."

Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions; tough


Where can you find the central idea in a longer piece of text?

What is the first paragraph?


What are the last two steps to making an inference?

3. Think About What You Know

4. Put It All Together